Wednesday, December 3, 2008

blog baru saye~

blog baru da siap..
just click kat link ni ok..

F:A:C:T:S O:F: L:I:F:E

n kepade sesape yg m'private kan blog drg..
sile la include saye ye...
this my email.

nak gak bace blog korang.. hee..

thanks a bunch..
sori kalo menyusahkan..

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


korang.. aku nk tuka wat blog baru.. blog yg ni mcm mengong2 ckit.. tgh in progress lagi... bile da siap nnt aku gtau address yg baru k.. harap x menyusahkan korang... heee... jgn lupe singgah kt blog yg br tu ye... blog ni nnt da x pki da once blog baru da premier :P


Monday, December 1, 2008

LosT n FounD~

tatkala tengah nak stat kelas hip examination yg di beri oleh dr hamdan yg famous 2.. enset nokia yg bernombor celcom ini pon berbunyi.. rupe2 nye mak yg telefon.. sebelum 2 mak dah kol dah nak bgtau yg adik dah nak balk.. drg da siap2 nk betolak blk da... so xtau la nk expect ape nape mak kol.. upe2 nye die kol nk bgtau yg enset yg ilang ari senin lepas 2 dah jumpe da...

n then bile dgr da jumpe blk enset tue.. rase frust sgt... sebab mase enset ilang aritu mak ngn abah dah janji nk blikan enset baru.. so mmg da bebunge2 da nk dpt enset baru... uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. nape la enset tu wujud agik??? aish2...

tp.. part yg pling bestnye.... drg kate.. "xpe... enset baru dapat jugak.. enset yg ni nnt bg syhmi...: kuang3... epi nyee dgr statement tu... keh2...

dapat enset baru... yeye... dapat enset baru... yeye...t no celcom yeee..

haha.. tp lmbt agi kut.. sbb skang tgh nk kemas2 umah baru...

btw.. cube teke mane drg jmpe enset 2? kat dlm van kt poket kerusi blakang.. isk2.. plik2.. tah mcm mane tah ble msk situ...

so kesimpulan nye... aku stil pki no maxis 2.. tp bkn mggu ni.. mggu ni pki celcom je.. so contact no celcom jek...

hmm.. enset ape nk pki yek pasni? any suggestion?

ngeh2.. dah2.. fokus2!

nk g tdo.. bye2

Sunday, November 30, 2008

finally.. update pon blog :P

few things i learnt for the past 2 months without internet is dat i can live well without them.. surprisingly even after the line is back this week.. i'm still not a regular user of the internet.. guess i'm not so much of the "online" person

i lost my handphone last Monday.. its kinda weird coz i dunt remember the details of how i lost it.. i remembered of holding it right in front of me n the next minute... vooomm.. it just dissappeared.. well.. i guess its already her time to go.. dah uzur pun henset tue.. hee.. so i'm only using my celcom no right now..

my sister was admitted for scoliosis operation thing last monday.. d same day i lost my phone.. :( her operation was scheduled on tuesday.. n since i have nothing on dat day.. except the ward round yg x pegi pon.. ngeh2... i decided to be with her the whole time from the moment she entered the ot till when she went out.. its kinda normal or usual for us to observed an operation right? but when u watch ur own family members.. it is different. the saddest moment dat i could recall was when the anaest doctor.. ask me to say my last word before she is about to induce her... mase 2 stat sebak.. cant say dat much to her coz the more i speak.. the easier i'll breakdown into tears.. then i start to compose myself back n observed the whole operation.. it went well i must say.. n she's recovering right now.. she may be discharged tomorrow.. :)
last thing i want to write is... i found a new obsession... TWILIGHT.. hihihi.. i'm seriously going to buy the whole book series.. n seriously am waiting for the pirated dvd or whoever download the movie n watch it over n over n over n over again.. that guy is seriously my new thing..

ok.. dats all for now after almost 2 months plus plus not updating.. haha

Sunday, September 14, 2008

holiday treats~

its already d 5th day of holiday.. since i finished my paper on last wed.. so.. let me just share with u wat an exciting holiday i have... ngeh2..

first of all.. most of my time spent is none other than my sweet home.. :D really being a gud girl.. hihi.. well.. d truth is i rather spent my time at home in dis fasting month n my parents are out of town so i have to take care of my brothers n d home as well..

so wat i did was :

1. finishing my unfinished hana yori dango series.. watched it during study week n finished d first season.. now i'm watching d 2nd season.. thanks to liza for recommending it to me.. at 1st i was a bit reluctant becoz i tot there'll be no better series than hanazakari.. rupe2 nye ade.. n seiyesss.. best sgt cite die.. n i'm trying to influence those who have not watch it.. betul.. cite die best. at least t'isi gak mase korang time cuti ni kan3?

haa.. ni la pelakon2 dlm cte hana yori dango.. u guys heard of meteor garden kan? actually meteor garden 2 adapt fr dis story la... but this story is so much better.. trust me.. :D

2. gossip girl season 2

yup.. gossip girl season 2 da kua.. yeaaa!! n i've watched 1st episod dkt youtube n cnt wait to watch d full series.. trying to dl fr d intrnet tp x reti.. nmpk gaye maybe i have to wait for sape2 yg dl then copy fr whoever dat person is.. ngeh2 :P here are some of d pics fr season 2 1st episode

hehe.. i only saved blair n chuck pics coz i really like them.. n i hope somthing gud will happen in this second season.. :D

wat else? other than doing this i did a lot of searching for recipes n d internet.. mak kate taun ni x buat kuih raye tp kite wat kek raye so.. to fulfill my time i did search for tons of recipes in d intenet.. hehe.. hopefully jadi la wat kek 2.. nak buat kek ni kne la 1 day before raye.. br fresh kan? n i'm into trying to do cupcakes n decorating them tp x t'buat2 lagi sbb kalo buat sekarang xde saoe nk mkn.. tkt m'bazir.. tgk lah nnt sumday bile t'rajin i'll do it.. ngeh2
sedapnye tgk gbr2 cupcakes ni kan.. byk sgt yg ctk2 n if u r interested just browse them at martha stewart.. u'll surely fall in love with them..

so far this is wat i want to write.. k.. hepi holidays ppl.. n slamat berpuase.. jgn ponteng2 eh :P

Thursday, August 28, 2008

cuaknye nak exam~

salam sume...
tgh rs cuak plak bile t'ingat yg ari ni da petang ari kamis.. n still byk lagi x bace...
kalo yg da bace pon mesti mcm kene bace balik.. so it still equals to xnah bace...
haish.. kenape la memory development kite ni x senang established? bace sekali terus register.. kan senang mcm 2.. tp ade hikmahnye Tuhan buat otak kite ni x sesenang mcm 2.. kat cni la kite dpt bezekan org yg kuat b'usaha n yg x..

skang ni aku da stat cuak coz triad x stat lagi bc.. stat study psychi dulu sbb da lame tggal tp x pass2 jgk bc psychi ni.. byk sgt nk kne bc smpai dah x lrt nk bc.. n alasan nk stat triad lmbt ni sbb mhrp still ingat2 la jgk ape yg blaja 4 d past 2 months ni.. malangnye.. td aku try2 la tgk past yr triad... saje nk test2 residual ilmu triad yg ada.. n keputusan yg aku dapat ialah... kosong.. same je mcm xtau pape.. since then i started to panic ckit.. tp dgn m'apply breathing technique and calming one self.. i managed to get myself back to senses.. tp still ade cuak2 2 lagi..

hmm... tapi aku teringat jugak la dulu2 time matrix.. aku rase style study aku lebe kurang same je mcm skang.. tp aku rase dulu aku blaja lg senang masuk n snag ingat.. skang ni aku rase mcm ape yg aku blaja ssah nk ingat.. nak faham 2 xde msalah.. nk ingat 2.. payah betul.... n dlu aku blaja sng sbb xde distraction sgt compared to skrang yg distraction ny t'lampau lah byk nye...

1st.. aku ade byk sgt movie n dvd collection kt bilik ni.. bile2 mase je aku busan mesti aku akan tgk.. n fyi.. aku telah berjaya m'abeskan tgk cite one tree hill season 4 dlm mase 3 ari ke 2 ari ek?.. tere x? ngeh2.. pape je la.. tp sebenya aku rs bile aku tgk movie ni aku mcm ade perasaan yg mcm semangat nk study.. kunun2 nye la.. so aku mggunakan alasan 2 s my defense mechanism utk m'elakkan rase guilty x blaja.. result is : less time to study n then mule la stat cuak.. aku adelah rase x salah pon nk tgk movie ke pe ke.. tp jgn over2 sgt kut.. shud not put watching movie 2 s ur 1st priority sepatutnye..

n then.. aku slalu rase aku bleh wat 2 keje pada waktu yg same.. cthnye.. smbil concentrate tgk movie or melalak2 nanyi bleh bace buku gak.. well.. bende 2 adalah mmg something yg aku selame ni mmg buat.. tapi lately aku rase.. its no longer effective.. aku realized yg aku da xbleh tgk movie smbil bace buku.. aku stat pening pale coz too much information is trying to be processed.. mmg dulu aku rs cm xde prob pun.. tapi aku rase my brain is already getting tired.. mostly due to aging process kut.. keh2.. so i already get a clear msg fr my brain dat no more simultaneous input at 1 time..

hmm.. pape pun.. aku stil ade mase lg nak blaja... so aku akan cube grab ape yg aku bley grab.. cume kdg2 aku ade rase pressure to get good result.. sbb ade mitos pasal aku (sila rujuk pade blog shah ye) yg menyebabkan aku kene dpt good result.. tp salah sebnye pemikiran aku 2.. biarlah ape yg aku buat ni adalah untuk kepuasan diri sndri.. it wud b better dat way kan..

kawan2... sempena nak exam ni maafkan salah silap aku eh..
doakan kite semua berjaya n lulus dgn cemerlang...
dah separuh tahun da kite kat 4th year..
tau2 je nnt da nak grad..
k.. bye2..

good luck semua!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

set reminder~

mcm biase pagi ni aku t'bgn bile dgr alarm henset aku.. cepat2 aku bgn g amik air semayang n solat subuh.. selalunye lepas subuh aku akan tido balik n bgn half n hour or an hour b4 kelas stat tuk b'siap2.. tp pagi ni aku x rase nk tdo blk.. eventho stil ade rase ngantuk2 gitu..

so.. nape aku xleh tido sebenanye? hmm... sbnye aku nk cube biase kan dri utk x tdo pas subuh unless desperately mengantuk.. lagipun bgn pagi2 ni byk hikmah nye kan? n slalu nye pagi2 ni la aku akan byk wat reflection.. time2 ni la teringat sume kate2 member yg stil syg n care pasal aku.. mcm2 kate nasihat drg bg.. syukur byk2 coz drg ni stil saba ngn aku.. maklumlah.. aku ni sgt degil org nye.. bak kate mereke2..

so pagi ni aku teringin nk ckp pasl azam aku.. sbb kebanyakan azam2 aku ni adalah azam2 yg same dr dulu sampai sekarang n kebanyakannye xnah tercapai pon.. so let this post be a reminder to myself.. sbb aku ni adalah org yg kene selalu di remindkan.. selalu lupe tujuan n matlamat yg perlu di capai..

1. dr dulu sampai sekarang... selalu berazam nak study bersungguh2.. aku rase ni adalah azam semue org jugak kan... maksud aku by 'study bersungguh' ni is btul2 use d opportunity to the upmost to learn watever u can get.. mksudnye kalo pegi klinik 2 grab everything u can get.. if ade tutorial.. tanye segala2 bnde yg nk tanye kat supervisor.. bla3... byk lagi lah carenye.. in conclusion m'amalkan pro-active learning la.. bukan passive learning.. selalunye org yg passive ni banyak ketinggalan dr segi ilmu nye... for my current status.. i am still a passive learner.. n ssh jgk la nk change habit yg dah biase jd passive ni.. tp xpe.. bit by bit kite cube... x rugi pon.. kan?

2. dr dulu sampai sekarang nak m'amalkan gaya idup sihat... aaa.... n gaya idup sihat ni merangkumi semue bende la.. dr segi makanan n lifestyle la yg paling pentingnye... ntah da berape org la agaknye yg aku ckp aku nak g at least jog la 3-4 kali seminggu.. n aku ni selalunye yoyo je.. mebe dlm 1 minggu 2 mmg t'capai la ape aku nk wat 2.. tp sebulan lepas 2 mesti aku senyap je.. haha.. standard la 2... yg penting sebenanye kene consistent n being consistent ni is something yg i'm not good at.. so kene CONSISTENT!! HAIT!!

3. hmm... pe lagi ek.. sebenanye byk lagi la yg aku teringin nak wat tp da x larat tulis da... haha.. but the key point here is to do d things dat i said i wanna do.. because words are nothing without actions.. betul x? so setakat ni.. aku nak concentrate kt 2 bnde kat ats je dulu.. wat ckit2 la.. wat sekali byk2 x larat plak kang.. hee..

hm.. tibe2 rase mcm penah tulis la post mcm ni dulu2.. ngeh2.. xpe2.. kan kite ni perlu sentiase meremindkan dri kite.. hee.. k la.. bye2

Sunday, August 3, 2008

dina's wedding...


tengah nak stat wat cwu oftal yg sepatutnye kne present esok.. tgerak la hati nk bace blog si shah ni.. coz mmg die la yg pling rajin update blog.. bile stat bace rase cm rindu lak nk tulis blog.. ngeh2.. tp 2 la.. i dunt have much to tell or mebe i'm not gud at telling.. tp i do think i want to update my blog.. yela.. dulu bukan men da janji rajin update.. ngeh2..

Dina's akad nikah

mase mule2 dpt tau dina nak kawin sabtu baru ni.. i was shocked.. lbt gile nk digest information 2.. though mmg da xpect that she's getting married soon.. but i didnt expect it to be this soon.. mase dapat tau 2 it's already 1 week to her wedding day.. n i've decided to come to witness her wedding.. the fact that she's d first 1 in our batch to get married plus she's my ex-kuliah mate in KMNS same2 ngan payan itu.. it really strengthen d reason y i shud attend d ceremony.. lgpun.. bende yang bek mcm ni kalo b'peluang untuk pegi.. ape salah nye pegi kan?

well.. to witness a very sacred ceremony.. it really made me think a lot.. i try to put myself in dina's shoes.. what if i'am dina 2day? what if i'm getting married today? hmm.. n guess what d answer i get? i'm totally not ready for all of this.. n d fact dat dina is.. i feel very2 proud of her.. and i do admire her courage.. at this very moment.. she has already find d life she wants to be in.. n she has already settle down for it.. which something dat i still cannot do for the time being..

n to see her parents's tears at the moment their daughter is becoming someone'
s wife.. i felt a bulk of tears started to fill up d corner of my eyes.. tbayang mak abah kat umah.. someday.. eventually they also will have to go through this... hmm..

n then.. when i see d ppl around me.. i wonder.. will there be ppl coming when my time has come? to see many of dina's friend come n help during d ceremony.. i also wonder.. will my friends come n do d same thing for me? all in all.. it just hit me dat i need to appreciate whoever i knew all this while.. sumtimes i tend to take for granted of ppl around me.. n sumtimes i dunt even bother to get to
know ppl around me.. in which i dunt feel gud about it..

ape2 pon.. d whole journey to batu pahat is worth all the time n money.. becoz it has bring a lot of meaning to me...

anyway.. let's pray for dina's happiness.. semoge mereke berdue bahagie di dunia dan akhirat kelak.. amiinnn...

p/s : actually xde sgt la gbr wedding dina.. x bwk camera pon time 2.. ngeh2..

Saturday, July 19, 2008

as i still..

sayu je bile bace ayat kat atas ni.. mdalam sungguh kate2 org yg menulis ayat di atas.. tapi ade benarnye ape yg penulis cube sampai kan.. kdg2 kite manusia lupe dan alpa ttg tujuan kite hidup di dunie... n kdg2 lupe yg kite punye tanggungjawab yg perlu dipikul dan di jage.. ape kan daya.. kite hanyelah manusia yg lemah dan hina.. tapi.. hdup ini tidak menzalimi kite.. kite yang selalunye menzalimi diri sendiri.. selemah mane pun kite.. sehine mane pun kite.. Allah tetap berada di sisi kita.. tanpa rase jemu.. tanpa rase berkira.. Die tetap berada di sisi hambaNya.. jgnlah kite lupe tentang itu.. dan jgnlah kite lupe hakikat itu sehingga Die terpaksa meninggalkan kite...

janganlah kita mengukur seseorang atas kisah silamnya.. mungkin benar kisah silamnya tidaklah seindah yang disangka.. tidaklah semanis yang dijangka.. namun.. keikhlasan dirinya untuk berjuanglah yang harus dibaca..

Hambamu ini hanyalah insan biasa..
yang ingin mencari jalan pulang ke rumahNya..
Guide me as i still live..
n luv me as i still breath..

Monday, July 14, 2008

i'm sick :'(

i just woke up after have dozed off for 5 hours.... n my sore throat is getting worse n worse and i am losing my voice... :( getting a bit feverish as well... haih... x ske la sakit2 tekak ni.. its very painful.. n d hardest part is when the coughing starts to come.. i'm having a dry cough so u can just imagine how a cough can give to ur sore throat.. sob2.. already taking medication.. mintak dr kat klinik td prescribed.. i tot after taking d lozenges and cough syrup i'm gonna b better.. instead its getting worse.. maybe 2 3 days later i'll be fine.. ^_^ chaiyok2!

this is my cough medicine.. i really hate taking drugs esp d liquid ones.. i wud stare at them for 5 mins.. or more.. then only i took them after tgn da lenguh pgg ubat 2.. haha

ni plak ubat kumur2 2.. but i never took them.. ntah.. rs cm x m'bantu.. maybe i'll try this time :)

i also asked 4 antibiotics just in case i need it.. huhu.. amoxicillin.. here i go.. :D

n another typical medicine.. panadol.. manela tau kut2 nk start demam wic i already did...

hmm.... so wat i'm gonna do till i get better

1. talk less.. wic will not b a problem coz i dun talk much.. ^_^
2. drink lots lots lots of water wic will b a problem coz i drink very little
3. not taking cold driks..
4. n do not miss taking medication .. hmm... we'll see :D

just wish me get better soon k.. i really miss my voice.. sob2 :'(

Sunday, July 13, 2008

movie reviews ^_^

i was looking 4ward to watch hellboy 2 coz i'm quite a fan of hellboy 1.. but after watching it i felt a litlle dissappointed... maybe my expectation was too high.. not dat d movie was bad.. but it was not dat gud s i expected... hurrmm... i think sbb crite die mcm t'lalu unrealistic ahh... but i still luve hellboy 1.. n hope there'll b hellboy 3 wic will b so much better than d second 1.. :D

n then i watched hancock.. hehehe... i wud say it was quite a nice story.. i wonder if they adapt those characters fr some comics.. watever it is i think it was quite fun to watch..

n i am looking 4ward to watch these movies.. cant wait to watch them... especially x-files the movie.. i am a fan of them when i was small.. always hoping for the lead characters to be together.. but they never end up 2gether.. aiyooo... frust btul.. hopefully kat dlm movie 2 nnt dey end up 2gether.. ngeh2

n i've finished watching gossip girl n have been rewatching them
again n again... haha... actually i only rewatch the scenes dat i like.. esp between blair n chuck.. i find them both so perfect to be 2gether... u shud watch d chemistry betwn them... really cute...

so sweeeet :)

p/s : i hope i'll find sum1 who wud do d same 4 me too.. ngeh2.. (quoted fr d movie) :P

Thursday, July 10, 2008


i was hepi for that brief moment...
wish i cud capture that moment n keep it in my pocket..
or wish i cud record it n replay it wenever i want..
tapi hakikatnye x wujud pon bende2 mcm 2..

so wat we can do is to try our best to re-feel those moment..
at d beginning we can still remember d exact hepi feeling..
tp lame2..
d feeling started to fade away..

n lame2 intensity die pon mengurang..
until u reached d moment dat u cant remember how it feelss..
u actually think u stil can remember..
but actually d feeling is not d same...

i'm really sory..
i know i've hurt a lot of ppl around me..
maybe i'm too selfish at that moment..
or maybe i am too blinded by wats in front of me..
i'm just a human..

to that person..
u may b dissappointed in me..
but i still hope u give us a chance to grow..
bcoz i know..
deep down inside..
our friendship is meant for something greater..
thank u for still believing in me..

Sunday, July 6, 2008


dah mls nk update coz xtau nk tulis ape.. HELP!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

report fr bandung~

heylooooooo!!! hehehe... besnye mlm ni.. smbil bring2 ats katil tulis blog pasal trip kat bandung... ngeh2.. by d way.. btolak ari rabu arituh n balik 2day ari jumaat.. smpai umah dlm 730mlm.. nak tulis sume mcm pjg sgt ah so i'm going 2 highlight few things je la eh...

so our journey started at lcct.. there were 5 of us (ina, zuz, ilya, syahda n me) plus ina's parents n a family of ina's moms frens.. keh2.. we all gather there n nek flight wic was delayed half n hour by d way.. so kitrg nek flight air asia n it was my 1st time on air asia.. usually nek MAS.. so wat i can tell is tpt ddk die sempit ckit la n then die free seating.. but overall ok la for the price :)
d journey took around 2hrs n 15 mins.. i slept d whole way to bandung.. ngantuk ah.. nak dekat2 smpai br bgn.. keh2.. n then bile da sampai kami pon dgn x saba2 2run dr plane n stat tgkp gbr.. kui2

n then g check in dulu.. kat hotel patradisa.. actually hotel die bukan typical hotel la.. die mcm umah banglo tepi2 jln 2 je.. mule2 mase smpai rase mcm.. xkanla kite duk kat cni.. tp bile masuk dlm.. pergh.. mmg cntek ahh.. very cosy.. mcm kat umah.. bgus gak konsep die.. they just cater around 10 rooms but the rooms are so so nice.. stret pas cek in g soping kat factory outlet.. ngeh2.. mmg murah ahh.. baju2 die mmg murah ah.. sume pon standed rm15 - 20.. ke cheaper ek? ngeh2.. pape pon factory outlet die mmg sebesa2 alam.. banyak plak 2.. x cukup 4 jam kat citu.. n then kitrg pon blk mkn2..

esok arinye ktrg pegi tpt gunung berapi.. tangkuban parahu namanya... ktrg g situ kejap jek sbb x saba nak g soping kat pasar baru.. hehehe... kt tpt 2 mmg brg murh2.. 2 yg best 2.. dah smpai kat psr bru 2 mmg mcm explorerace ah.. pegi sane pegi sini.. xtau nak bli ape sbb byk sgt kedai.. fuhh.. penat betul 1 ari soping..

ari esoknye ktrg singgah kedai amanda brownies sbb drg kate brownies kukus die sdp.. so kitrg bli la ckit2 utk di bw blk.. flight blk ari2 delay almost 3 jam.. mmg tensen ah.. kalo tau delay awal2 lg mesti sempat g pasr br soping lagi.. ngeh2...

by d way.. pakej 3 ari 2 mlm kat bandung ni is around 500++ inclusive of tiket n accomodation as well as tour guide ktrg yg anta ktrg ke sane sini.. n i finish rm700 on shopping plus food n plus airport tax.. hihi.. one day i'll come back n have proper planning n wat to shop n where.. bcoz it was my 1st time there .. d shopping was not so effective... xpe2.. next time pegi lagi.. hehe.. actually byk agi ktrg wat kat bandung tp nk highlight psl soping je.. ngeh2...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


yippieee!!!! i'm goin 2 bandung 2morrow.. flight at 1055 n coming back on friday.. err.. cant remember d time.. ngeh2.. anyhow.. 2morrow i'm going to fill my so long2 destiny wic is.. SHOPPING!! hahaha... i am really going to shop till i'm drop (err.. hprfully not) neway.. if u wan some souvenir fr bandung.. do leave a msg.. u mite b d lucky ones to get present fr me... ngeh2.. wish me a safe journey to n back home k.. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008


tibe2 teringat zaman kecik2 dulu... suke sgt bace komik jepun.. so.. alang2 dah tsebut psl komik ni teringin plak nak share nostalgia komik2 time kecik2 dulu.. huhu..

1. Dragon Ball

ni pengaruh my younger brother la ni.. mule2 malas nak bace coz mase 2 dah agak ketinggalan jugak ah... tapi tah mcm mane tah t'bace la buku 2.. agaknye da busan sgt kut.. bace sekali je terus suke.. naseb baik my brother kumpul dari no 1.. mmg pas2 dok dlm blk bc komik je ah... haha... go goku! benzita! ermm... betul ke eje? haha... paling x suke org jahat majibun itu.. dah la perut bulat.. hoho.. jgn terase a sape2 :P

2. Sailormoon

yeee... ini la komik favorite saye yg sye sendrik kumpul.. mmg ade sampai abes la buku die... komik start bace sbb member sebelah mase drjah 5 dlu recommend.. mcm bese sekali bace mmg trus suke.. nghe.. eventho name komik ni sailormoon tp plg benci sailormoon sebenanye.. suke sailor venus itu.. hehe.. "dengan kuasa bulan.. akan m'hukum mu!" kuang3x :P

3. Detective conan

komik ini saye suke juge... comel la conan dalam cite ni.. kecik2 cili api.. ngeh2... ade lg 1 komik mcm ni jgk yg suke bace.. tp x bape ingat name die.. penyiasat remaja hajime kindaichi rasenye.. ade x? x kesah la.. yg penting due2 ni mcm ala2 crime investigation gitu so mmg sgt suke bace.. hehe

4. One Piece

ni pon 1 of my fav gak la.. tp x sempat bace smpai abes.. kdg2 tlupe nak bace next episode lame2 trus x continue bace sampai la 1 tahap 2 dah malas nak bace.. tanye progress fr adik je time 2.. ngeh2...

pendek cite banyak lagi komik2 yg bace time dulu.. skang ni da kureng.. bukan sbb da x minat sbb xde da komik2 ni depan mate... sedey2... n stat fr bace komik ni jugak la minat lukis2 katun.. oleh sebab da lame x bace komik so da lame juge le x melukis... dah ilang da skill melukis itu..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The voice within~

Young girl dont cry,
i'll b right here when your world starts to fall...

young girl its alright..
your tears will dry, u'll soon be free to fly..
when u're safe inside ur room you tend to dream..
of a place where nothing harder than it seems..
no one ever wants or bothers to explain of the heartache life can bring and wat it means.

when there's no one else,
look inside urself,
like your oldest friend just trust the voice within,
then u'll find the strength that will guide ur way,
and u'll learn to begin to trust the voice within...

oh young girl dunt hide...
u'll never change if u just run away..
young girl just hold tight..
soon ur gonna see ur brighter day..
now in a world wer innocence is quickly claimed..
its so hard to stand ur ground when ur so afraid..
no worries because i'm here for u to hold wen u're lost outside..
look inside to ur soul.

just trust the voice within....

smile like nobody else..
smile even thru d hard times..
u will nvr remember dat u r in 1..

who else to be there by urside if not u urself :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

mencari ketenangan hati

syahdu x tajuk post aku dis time? bukan slalu aku nak kupas tajuk2 mcm kat ats ni.. n not easy as well 4 me 2 describe it.. but i chose to write it out.. just to share my opinion..

so.. ape kah yg dimaksudkan dgn ktnangan hati? it is a subjective feeling of inner peace n happiness.. susah nk dscribe sbb lain2 org lain rasenye.. but konsep die lebeh kurang mcm kat ats la..

hmm.. mesti ade yg t'tanye2.. kenape tbe2 aku nak tulis psl bende ni.. sbb.. for d past 2 months.. byk bnde yg aku go thru.. kebanyakan nye is not wat i expected.. ade yang manis n ade yg pahit.. tp semua yg aku lalui ni byk mengajar aku tentang kehidupan..

of all dat happen.. banyak yg aku stil xtau ape jawapan nye.. tp aku yakin smua yg jadi ade hikmahnye.. instead.. dlm susah2 ni.. i find peace in myself.. perasaan 2 dtg sekejap je tp sekejap 2 is worth d time..

i hope korang pon dapat rase perasaan 2 n really appreciate it when it comes.. mmg akan slalu ade mase yg kite rase susah hati.. penat.. keliru... tp kite mesti hadapi bnde 2 dgn hati yg lapang.. mane lah tahu dlm susah2 2 kite akan dapat cari ketenangan hati.. insyaalah..

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eight Random Facts/Habits About urself

i've been tagged by kimut... n dgn rele hati nye.. here it goes.. :)

The rules :
1. Each blogger must post there rules 1st
2. each blogger must start with d above topic 1st
3. bloggers dat are tagged need to write on their on blog. At the end of ur blog u need to choose 8 ppl to get tagged
4. dunt 4get to tell them they've been tagged n leave some comments :)

haha... so.. inilah die my habits wic u may o may not know...

1. i like to sing a LOT
ppl who knew me will know dat i loooooooooooooveeeeeeeeee to sing.. everywhere i get to sing anywhere i feel like singing i will sing.. n ade yg da busan pon dgr i sing.. n i'm pretty sure they are sick already hearing me singing.. esp yun.. haha... tp kalo dgn rakan2 yg kurang rapat sgan ckit nak nyanyi.. malu2 gitu... hahaha :p

2. i like to eat.. munching2 around
i have this habit since i was born i think.. suke makan 2 mmg ramai kut yg da tau.. but another habit is... kalo tgk bace buku ke.. online ke.. tgk tv ke... mesti rase nk ngunyah jugak.. x kesah la kunyah ape pon.. asalkan mengunyah... sbb 2 food supply kene sentiase ade.. but since we are medial student who must b conscious about their health.. i tend to buy healthier snacks these days.. hehe...

3. penah kua tv dulu
aaa... maybe ramai kut yg xtau lagi.. tp dulu penak masuk golden kids news.. yg dak2 kecik bace berite 2.. haha... kirenye sempat merase gak la masuk tv.. ade gak la penah belakon gak cite time ari raye.. tgh nak cari balk video time bc berite dulu.. nk kumpul balk kenangn time jadi artis dulu.. haha

4. penah g jepon tinggal ngn family angkat
haaaaaaaaa.... memandangkan dak2 amsa nak g jepon.. disni sy juge ingn memberitahu yg sy juge penah g jepon.. hehe.. mase 2 pas abes form 1.. g jepon with anther 19 student.. ade student xchange programme.. those days are 1 of d most memorable days in my life.. kalo bleh pegi balik time tu.. i wud.. mmg best ah g jepun.. have fun eh dak2 amsa.. rase sedih plak x dpt join krg :(

5. penah sesat sorang2 kat melbourne city
mase 2 ade summer school kat melbourne U.. n dat time i stay at my friend's hse.. srg2 je g melbourne time 2.. lepas abes spm pegi... n then ade la 1 ari tu nak g victoria market.. tah mcm mane tah tepakse la pegi market 2 srg2.. mule2 mmg konfiden gle ah tau jalan.. bile dah pegi/.. pergh.. sesat la pulee... dgn tgh jln kaki srg2 2.. cari gak la jaln balik umah... mmg adventure ah mase 2.. jalan2 cari jalan balik.. haha.. nseb bek jumpe.. amacm? kagum x? naseb bek time 2 x cuak sgt.. hahaha

6. i'm missing my late grandma
hmm... i really miss my late grandma.. mase kecik2 dulu die yg jage.. she really wanted to see me become a doctor.. but she pass away when i was in matric.. she was sick dat time with cancer... though i know she was sick.. but i didnt really spend much time when she was still alive.. rase mcm sayu sgt to see her lying on the bed.. thinner than she was bfore.. it is something dat i cudnt handle n cudnt face.. i'm in denial state mase 2.. mebe bcoz i'm afraid dat i'll lose her.. but she went away jgk akhirnye. n time 2 i regret so much coz i didnt manage to tell her how much i love.. i'm still missing her even at this moment.. moge Allah mencucuri rahmat opah..

7. i get bored easily
haa... bende ni mmg sgt2 betul... i get bored easily with everything.. baju ke.. perfume ke.. kasut ke.. ape2 la.. tp yg mane i really2 like.. i tend to always keep them o use them very often... sampai la bende 2 mmg da xble berfungsi lagi.. hahaha

8. i like to bake..
yes.. i do like to bake.. especially baking cakes... tapi kat umah 2 jarang ade org nk mkn so x jadi rajin nak bake.. so slalunye active baking2 ni time nak dekat raye.. hehe.. 2 yg sonok 2.. penah teingin nk amik kelas buat kek yg lawa2 2.. ala2 kek secret recipe.. aaaa... tp belom penah pegi lagi la.. kalo ade rezeki i'allah pegi.. ngeh2

2 je la eh.. xnak cite pjg2 nnt x best.. haha.. k.. i want to tag sape2 yg x jwb soklan ni lagi.. spae2 yg terase2 jwb la ye.. ape slh kongsi info.. sharing is caring ritee? haha


heylo ppl... ahaha... sori for being away... seriusly mmg da lame x bkk laptop n online.. ngeh2.. actually dah lame sgt x update so dah xtau nak update ape so let me just go thru wat have been happening 2 me dis past 2 weeks ehh? :P
first of all i went to pangkor last week.. n then d day blk fr pangkor 2 mmg nk tlis blog n put some of d pictures tp die upload lbt ahh.. so x jadi.. since then x update langsung blog.. haha.. n dlm byk2 gbr.. my pic je yg ble upload.. wakaka.. so tgk je la my pic ehh :P

aaa... ni adalah gbr kat dlm blik chalet itu... cantek kan? i share my rum with dayah fr nursing.. quite a nice stay i wud say.. mase ni saje2 je nak test amik gbr sendri.. ngeh2
n then balik2 je fr pangkor trus g celebrate bday atil.. ktrg wat bday suprise n jenal(boyfren atin) pon dtg gak.. n he bought her a new guitar.. sweeet kannn?? ni yg jeles ni.. ngeh2

same kan d way dey smile.. sepesen.. hahaha

lepas 2 ade la satu mlm ni.. ade tragedi bas masuk gaung fr genting 2.. n i heard dat they need some help n i.. during dat time tgh ade ssm meeting.. tp dgn penuh x saba2 nye.. m'abeskan meeting 2 utk pergi ke AnE itu.. haha.. smgt x tentu pasal.. n then ktrg kene jage secondary triage.. da smgt2 da pki apron glove mask sume.. haha

ni la team kami yg sepatutnye jage secondary triage.. tepakse pulang ngn hampe sbb x dpt tlg mlm 2... :(
n then.. tbe2 satu mlm 2.. my fren msg.. die kate.. "syai.. anak i jatuh katil... i kat a&e hukm ni.. u ade x kat kolej?".. pergh.. tekejut ah dpt msg 2.. sejak bile kawan aku ni ade anak? i was quite shocked to hear d news.. tp dgn penuh smgt n berkobar2nye... x saba nak g tgk anak die.. n of coz at d same time hoping dat anak die xde pape.. but i was still in shock coz xtzu pape cite tbe2 da ade anak. by d way.. anak die comel sgt... commmmeeeellll gileee :D

comel kan? kan2? tembam gile ah.. it's a girl n her name is ermm.. lupe la plak.. haha.. pjg sgt.. she's just 5 months old.. rase cm x pecaye plak when u think ur fren is already a mom.. haha.. its quite funny actually... tp.. bile tgk die ade baby yg sgt2 comel ni mcm teringin la plak nk ade baby sendrik.. ngeh2.. poyo2 :P

pas2 ade 1 mlm 2 g mkn ngn roy irm n cat.. mkn kat oldtown.. nyum2... da lame x kua kan.. pas2.. t'serempak la pule ngn minah hajar.. dgn balak dieeee.... ahaks.. kantoi busuk ah hajarr... hahaha

mlang nye x dpat m'capture moment2 hajar date ngn bf die... rugi betul.. hehe.. xpe2.. next time gerenti ktrg x miss nk tgkap gbr.. jgn marah hajar.. :P
pas2.. ade la jerawat besa tumbuh on my cheek.. dah mmg x mampu nk sorok2 da.. sob2.. its ok.. just embrace it.. org2 tue ade kate.. bile ade jerawat 2.. makin manis muke kite.. ngeh2. :P

aa... npk x jerawat 2.. kang da tinggal parut je.. gbr ni cat yg amik.. die kate jerawat mcm ni kene la wat kenangan.. haha.. thnnks cat :P

by d way.. 2 je la yg di update wat mase ni.. i'll try 2 update it regulrly yeahh.. muah2.. thanks 4 reading.. rajin2 la dtg my blog lagi yee... tk careee :P

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

meh buang masee~ :p

bende ni da lame lepas but still nak share.. haha... so cube teke dari manekah sumber gbr2 ini? hmmm....

senang je kan? lagi2 dak2 amsa.. coz drg yg wat bnde2 nih? ngeh2.. but d bigger question iss.. sape yg bg bende kat atas nii? aaaa... ngeh2.. sile2 teke teki.. huhu.. ade lagi2!! teke lagi yg bwh2 ni sape bg.. ehem2.. :P

yeee... itulah die cupcakes yg sy dapat.. actually mase order form 2 d edarkan rs cm nk wat requestkt dr sndrk je.. ye la.. terase mcm sape la nk bg kite kan.. ngeh2... but to my suprise.. dtg2 je audi aritu dah ade cupcakes2 itu d atas meje.. ngeh2.. epi2!! tp rase besalah coz bg kat sape2 pon xcept lecturer.. ngeh2 :P

haaa... ini pule adalah cupcake yg dicuri dr irma tanpe disedari oleh tuan punye badan... ngeh2... sian die.. penat die dok cari bwh meje la ape la.. she thought she dropped the cupcake sumwer.. ngeh2.. sowiee irmaa... jgn maraaa aaaa... :P

haaa.. yg ni plak.. gbr kat mane ni? sape yg slalu pegi tau la kut kat mane gbr ni di ambil... dorang ni br balk fr beli enset baruuuu.... uiyooooo... so both of them tgh showing off their handphones.. ish3.. terase dah ketinggalan zaman lak tgk org bli enset baru.. keh2... ehem2... u can ask for d drink i took kat ats ni.. ape ek name die.. hmm.. stat from X la.. die mcm teh ais yg cair but nice.. try la.. sedaaappp :D

hmmm... gbr ni ditangkap bcoz ade hidden meaning di sebalik nye.. agak2 nye ape ek? haha.. poyo jekk.. u can interpret it according to ur judgement.. happy interpreting.. :D

Sunday, May 25, 2008

english camp part 1

hiiiiiii!!!!!! hahaha... lame nye x update.. bz sgt dis week smpai x smpat online.. dasyat x? poyo jek... tp mmg btul.. mggu ni mcm bz wat bende2 len.. smpai terlupe nak daftar kursus.. x pasal2 kne byr rm15.. sob2.. by the way.. i want to share with all of u my experience for d past weekend in PD..

al kisahnye.. we the jaksa committee were supposed to attend an english camp fr friday till sunday.. kitorg pegi 9 org n sepatutnye betolak kul 4 petang jumaat 2.. tunggu punye la tunggu x dtg2 pon bas.. x pasal2 kiterg miss d common lecture for nothing je.. ngeh2.. actually mmg ade pasang niat pon mls nak dtg lecture.. ngeh2... btw.. bas 2 sampai dlm kul 6 lebe.. they came fr KTSN so kitrg share bas ngan jaksa KTSN.. kalo nk ikutkan hati.. rase cm berat n malas je nak pegi camp 2.. yela... ade ke patut kene pegi 'english camp'? haha.. i mean terase mcm not worth d time 2 go.. tp dah jd tanggungjawab utk pegi so dgn tabah hati nye.. pegi jugak..

well... dgn pkiran yg dah mmg negative 2.. ktrg pon smpi la glory beach resort.. kitrg smpai lmbt.. n time 2 program da stat pon.. sampai2 je.. trus kne brainstorm wat group cheer.. song.. motto n mcm2 lagi ah.. kitrg pon main tibai je.. n since they know we are fr KTDi.. dok panggil ktrg ni doktor2 je.. haha.. n then we have to present wat we did in front.. rase cm busuk2 je coz cheer kitrg pon sempoi gle.. song pon men cekup je lagu org.. maklum lah.. KTDI ni xde pre existing song n cheer.. da la ktrg smpai lbt so mmg klm kabut la dibuat nye.. pape pon ktrg bejaye present dgn jaye nye.. heee

part yg besnye d next day.. we have to make a sketch... b4 dat a faci came up to us n he told dat he realized some similaririties between ktdi grup members dat is seriuousness... hmm.. die kate ktrg ni mcm serius sgt.. so we took up d challenge to be easy going n not dat serious during d camp.. so bakat itu tertonjol la semase sketch.. ngeh2.. if only i cud tell u how gud our sketch is.. mmg lawak yg t'amat2... n d crowd looooooovvvvveeeee it! haha.. n guess wat! we get d 1st place for d sketch!!! bangge x? hahaha... die punye tahap best 2 smpai org stil gelak gle2 even wen we present it for d 2nd time dpan Vice canselor.. n guess wat they were so impressed with us dat they asked us to present again in any other special occasion.. betul2 rase bangge n hepi time 2...

n then d next day.. ade session called tongue twister n kebetulan dlm byk2 tongue twister 2 adela psl doktor.. so we d so called doctors grup ni kene la bace.. n dgn x penuh malu nye.. i went in front to recite it.. n tbe2 je dpt tau rupe2 nye it is a competition.. n guess wat.. i won!!! hahaha.. i'm d best tongue twister.. wakakaka.. bangge2.. :P

haha.. seronooook nyee.. dah lame x rase seronok mcm ni sebenanye.. n memandang kan ade byk lagi nak tulis.. esok aku tulis lagi sambungan n dgn penuh detail lagi.. hehe... esok smbung e.. stay tuuuneee... :P

Thursday, May 15, 2008


huwaaa.... lame nye x update blog... actually sudah ade perasaan malas untuk b'online itu.. bukan nye sebab xde mase.. keh2.. xpe la.. selalu2 sgt online pon x bes baaa.... so... nak tulis ape la plak.. hm.. let me just share a few things dat i am currently doing o like k?

skrang ni tgh bace buku p/s i love you by cecelia ahern.. da beli lame da time cuti ari 2 tp x abes2 lagi bace.. d theme of d story is of course love story tp it is a different 1.. bcz it is about how u deal with ur life without d person u love by urside.. so far br bace separuh :)

next adalah sgt2 suke bace buku ini.. mmg 5 star la.. kpd sesiape yg belom bace.. n penah terlintas nak bace.. sile lah bace.. i guarantee u'll b blown by d content... n pls dunt compare it with d movie.. jauh sgt bezenye.. d book is far3 more interesting :)

this next book is quite fun.. yg ni adalah untuk easy reading je la... so kalo boring2 bleh la grab dis book n read.. hmm.. i tried to read d shopaholic series.. sbb npk mcm menarik la jgk kan.. tp mlg nye.. i didnt find it amusing.. so far i think dis is d only best 1 by this author

lepas 2 nak gtau some of my fav movies plak... bende yg paling2 minat yg mmg xble miss n mmg agak fanatik bile tgh musim die je la.. is.. jeng3.. harry potter n lord of the rings.. haaa... 2 ni mmg all time favourite la... si harry potter ni mmg bace la buku die.. tp LOTR ni tidak la pule.. again i've tried to read d book but d english was too high n i end up malas nk bc.. hahaha... pantang cite 2 kua je kt cinema mg sanggup beratur la nak bli tiket bcoz crite2 mcm ni nikmat tgk kat wayang :P

n then.. i really do like movies yg inspiring n based on true story..bile tgk crite2 mcm ni rase tersentuh n inspired to do mcm2 to achieve wat we want in life.. sbb 2 suke tgk crite2 mcm ni.. lagipon kite akan rs sgt t'haru o kagum dgn d extent of human mind or doing to achieve watever they want in life.. cthnye cite d pursuit of happiness.. i'm really touched by d story.. :'|.. sob2

hmm.. pas2 suke gak tgk crite2 yg mcm epik2 ni.. aaa... mmg best la.. actually rase sgt kagum dgn org yg idup zaman dulu2.. skill of survival drg sgt ebat la... so antare cth2 yg best ni mcm troy.. d gladiator.. kingdom og heaven dan yg seangkatan dgn nye.. :)

itu lah sahaje buat mase ini.. n yg paling best sekali bile tgh tgk movie n bc buku mnum air nescafe yg panas2 itu.. hehe.. ari2 ade bli nescafe vanilla flavoured.. so sape yg suke vanilla 2 bley la try.. ade jual kat giant :)
