Monday, July 14, 2008

i'm sick :'(

i just woke up after have dozed off for 5 hours.... n my sore throat is getting worse n worse and i am losing my voice... :( getting a bit feverish as well... haih... x ske la sakit2 tekak ni.. its very painful.. n d hardest part is when the coughing starts to come.. i'm having a dry cough so u can just imagine how a cough can give to ur sore throat.. sob2.. already taking medication.. mintak dr kat klinik td prescribed.. i tot after taking d lozenges and cough syrup i'm gonna b better.. instead its getting worse.. maybe 2 3 days later i'll be fine.. ^_^ chaiyok2!

this is my cough medicine.. i really hate taking drugs esp d liquid ones.. i wud stare at them for 5 mins.. or more.. then only i took them after tgn da lenguh pgg ubat 2.. haha

ni plak ubat kumur2 2.. but i never took them.. ntah.. rs cm x m'bantu.. maybe i'll try this time :)

i also asked 4 antibiotics just in case i need it.. huhu.. amoxicillin.. here i go.. :D

n another typical medicine.. panadol.. manela tau kut2 nk start demam wic i already did...

hmm.... so wat i'm gonna do till i get better

1. talk less.. wic will not b a problem coz i dun talk much.. ^_^
2. drink lots lots lots of water wic will b a problem coz i drink very little
3. not taking cold driks..
4. n do not miss taking medication .. hmm... we'll see :D

just wish me get better soon k.. i really miss my voice.. sob2 :'(


Anonymous said...

alalalalala....syakit plak dier...penat sangat ker g kuar makan ngan...hehe...makan ubat,k...mintak "abg" tu cuapkan...hihihi...

MiLuViA said...

get well soon cik syai~

mYshah said...

walaoeyh~ nice nice rajin gak ko update blog :) smoga cepat sehat ye~ nway syai, dapat pe? curious disitu

Anonymous said...

dapat ape eh? ko tanye la mr cute 2.. sape tah mamat perasan cute 2.. ngeh2..

2 ah.. wish me get better k..

abg mane ni yun? ko ke? xnak ah.. watpe nk ko suapkan aku mkn ubat..

muahaha :P