Wednesday, May 28, 2008

meh buang masee~ :p

bende ni da lame lepas but still nak share.. haha... so cube teke dari manekah sumber gbr2 ini? hmmm....

senang je kan? lagi2 dak2 amsa.. coz drg yg wat bnde2 nih? ngeh2.. but d bigger question iss.. sape yg bg bende kat atas nii? aaaa... ngeh2.. sile2 teke teki.. huhu.. ade lagi2!! teke lagi yg bwh2 ni sape bg.. ehem2.. :P

yeee... itulah die cupcakes yg sy dapat.. actually mase order form 2 d edarkan rs cm nk wat requestkt dr sndrk je.. ye la.. terase mcm sape la nk bg kite kan.. ngeh2... but to my suprise.. dtg2 je audi aritu dah ade cupcakes2 itu d atas meje.. ngeh2.. epi2!! tp rase besalah coz bg kat sape2 pon xcept lecturer.. ngeh2 :P

haaa... ini pule adalah cupcake yg dicuri dr irma tanpe disedari oleh tuan punye badan... ngeh2... sian die.. penat die dok cari bwh meje la ape la.. she thought she dropped the cupcake sumwer.. ngeh2.. sowiee irmaa... jgn maraaa aaaa... :P

haaa.. yg ni plak.. gbr kat mane ni? sape yg slalu pegi tau la kut kat mane gbr ni di ambil... dorang ni br balk fr beli enset baruuuu.... uiyooooo... so both of them tgh showing off their handphones.. ish3.. terase dah ketinggalan zaman lak tgk org bli enset baru.. keh2... ehem2... u can ask for d drink i took kat ats ni.. ape ek name die.. hmm.. stat from X la.. die mcm teh ais yg cair but nice.. try la.. sedaaappp :D

hmmm... gbr ni ditangkap bcoz ade hidden meaning di sebalik nye.. agak2 nye ape ek? haha.. poyo jekk.. u can interpret it according to ur judgement.. happy interpreting.. :D


bajat said...

hmm let me represent others on intepreting this pic..
so the biscuit has a heart shape, n i simplify it as ur heart..n makin lamer biscuit tu di makan is the tricky thing, di makan orang may give two reasons..
1) perhaps ur heart di curik someone
2) or maybe ur heart is broken by someone
but..only half eh yg syai?
u decide aite =D

Azhari Ar Rantisi said...

biar aku interprete..

1- Ko dah makan separuh, tapi x sedap..pastu ko bercadang nak kasik Yun!! hahahaha~

2- Ko dah makan separuh,
Em~ sedapnye...
pastu tetiba ko rase sayang nak simpan untuk esok..

3- Ko tengah makan, tetiba Yun cite pasal batista operation..ko terbayang darah yang mencurah2..terus x selera..tinggal la separuh~ Yun memang teruk!

p/s gurauan semata2! dont try dis at home~

Anonymous said...

haha.. memang krg pandai membuang mase :P