Tuesday, April 29, 2008

satu hari di ikea~

last saturday i went to ikea with my parents.. saje nak usha2 brg2 kat sane.. n btw i really3 like going to ikea.. best sgt tgk die pnye showroom.. ngeh2... so wat happen is.. kitrg jln2 dlu.. tgk2 ape yg ade.. n seperti biase rmi le org yg dtg kat sne.. 2 la.. weekend kan... so t'jumpe la showroom yg tjk 1 blk ni.. mmg lawa... n actually byk je lagi len2 yg lawa.. tp dpt tgkp 1 jek sbb rmi sgt org.. pehh.. haha... here it goes

cantek kann??? i like d color of the wall n d bed.. a very nice light blue.. n then i like d idea of the closet actually surrounds d bed.. so bleh dikatekan jimat space la jgk.. tp yg ssh nye part nak amk brg kat almari yg ats 2 la.. haha.. pas2 ade rak kat tepi dinding yg i think is very nice also... how i wish 1 day i come home n find my room is already like dat.. haha..

by d way.. pas round2 sume tpt.. i took my parents mkn kat ikea nye kafe.. i told them dat d fud is really2 nice.. n seriusly mmg sdp pon.. g la try.. n this is wat we ate :)

haaa.. ni kek ape tah.. swedish punye la.. rase mcm ala2 kek batik yg crunchy... x dpt nak abeskan sbb manis sgt... haha... actually mmg dah tau x abes.. but it looks so tempting dat i have to take it.. hehe

haa... dis is wat i ate.. ayam ape tah name nye.. ok2 je la.. i took it becoz it looks delicous n healthy.. haha

n this is d must try meal.. swedish meatballs.. sgt2 la sedap.. nyum2.. my dad ate dis.. tinggal suku je meatball 2.. lupe nk tngkp mase ade byk lagi.. hehe

yg ni biase la fish n chip.. my mom ate it

n mcm biase amik mufin gak.. xde la sdp sgt.. sdp lagi wat sendrii.. haha

n dis is my mom.. same x kitrg? :P n ni my dad.. mule2 die pose bodoh2 je..but after i told him i'm uploading his pic in my blog.. trus die pose macho2.. haha.. abah2..

n kesimpulannye.. pas mkn.. kitrg pon borong la brg2.. punye la byk.. n punye la penat.. fuh.. tp bes sgt g ikea ni.. ske tgk a well furnished house.. hopefully 1 day i have a house on my own n am very excited to start decorating it.. ngeh2!

here goes psychi~ :P

yippiiee!! hari ni da rase cerie siket.. nak tau sebb ape? sebab... sebab.. i find psychi is getting more n more interesting.. hehe.. rase mcm best plak dpt understand a phenomenon wic is complex to be understood n yet it makes sense once u've understood it well.. no ownder bku2 psychi ni pon mhal2 sbb bukan sng nak tulis something yg xde proof to support ur statement.. n sebenarnye kalo pk2 actually kite sendiri yg perceive ape normal n ape yg x normal.. penah tepk x? wat if kite ni yg sebenarnye x normal n those patients who we think is not normal is actually normal? jeng3.. haha...
ape2 pon.. after dgr 3 lecture stret pg td from 8 to 12.. perghh... lame tul.. struggle tul thn mate... rupe2 nye.. rmai je jgk dak2 medic ni yg ade "psychiatric illness"... ngeh2... cuak x? cume watever symptoms dat they exhibit to, is not strong enough to be considered as patologic la... ngeh2...

tp still ape yg ade kt dlm psychi ni byk overlap.. n kite sebnye akan diagnose patient 2 according to wat they told us.. n.. yg ssh nye kat cni.. we'll never really know if wat they tell us to is really2 true.. btul x? cntoh laa... between hallucination n delusion.. well halucination ni mcm khayalan la.. ala.. yg mcm kite tebayang2 nmpk something.. or kite rs kite dgr suare org becakap ngn kite... ni simple words la ehh... yg delusion ni plak is fixed false belief.. mksd nye mcm die pecaye sungguh2 ape yg die rase die pecaye tu walaupon bnde 2 x betul.. so given a situation.. this fella actually having a delusion of hearing voices talking in his head tp sedang kan xde pon suare becakap dlm kepala die tu.. tp die pecaya gak mg ade suare yg becakap dlm kepala die.. so.. d thing is.. bile die dtg kat kite.. die akan kate sy dgr suare org bercakap2 ngn sye.. so we will tend to perceive it as hallucination.. btul x? sedangkan sebena2 nye it is a delusion.. aaa... paham x? ngeh2...

abaikan je... sebenanye saje je nak poyo2 tjk mcm psychi ni bes.. ngeh2.. da laa.. x nak tulis byk2 :P

Monday, April 28, 2008

x best betul~

hmm.. x sronok btul rase nye bile kite dah smgt2 nak stat bende yg baru.. tp tibe2 ade bnde x best jadi.. ntah la.. ingat nak simpan je kat dlm ati tp rase mcm dah x tahan nak simpan n just ignore d feeling... so.. biarlah ape yg dituliskan ni sedikit sbyk dpt m'ringankan beban yg ade.. at least itu lah yg dpt dibuat dlm mase t'dkt ni...

x sume bnde ade lah seperti ape yg kite nak.. kte x selalu nye dpat ape yg kite harapkan n kdg2 bnde tu lah yg menguji kite sebenarnye.. n kdg2 kite akan rase iri hati dgn sape2 sahaje yg b'naseb baik dapat ape yg kite nak tu.. tulah name nye rezeki die n bukan rezeki kite.. n mmg akan timbul rase mcm frustrated.. kecewe.. bengang pon ade.. mcm2 lah.. n kdg2 kite asek tanye knape kite selalu dpt naseb yg same? mengeluh je keje.. penat pon ade.. mmg ade rs macm nk giv up pon ade.. tp itu adalah perasaan kite.. n perasaan kite ni mmg x kire tpt n mase... perasaan kite ni is something yg tulus.. die x tipu.. n we cannot fake wat we feel... our feelings never lie to us.. but it is up to us on how we choose to react towards our feelings.. do we want to ignore them? or do we want to acknowledge them? wat i'm doing rite now is i am acknowledging wat i feel.. if i'm sad i'll admit dat i'm sad.. if i'm hepi i'll admit dat i am.. but the hardest part is actually yet to come... dat is to confront with our feelings..

rite now i am unhappy about dis 1 thing.. it mite not be dat big to others but i am quite particular about it.. dis is my challenge.. dis is wer i shud struggle.. i dont have any choice left but to fight against wat i dislike.. to just even think about it made me feel like i dunt want to do it.. but who knows.. it mite turn out into something i cant even imagine.. something good hopefully.. so.. i'm still keeping my hopes dat things will turn around just fine.. n honestly i think dat it will be just fine.. tp 2 la.. perasaan ni kalo lagi di layan2 lagi menjadi2 kan? tp xpe lah.. at least i express it n i move on.. rather than i just keep it n ignore it.. wic is not good 4 me.. n even for anyone.. i mean.. sampai bile kite nak tipu diri kite kan.. kite ni kdg2 xnak admit klemahan kite.. n dat is d major problem.. too ego to admit ur own weaknesses.. tah lah.. x best betul hari 1st posting dah ade rase2 mcm ni.. haha.. its ok.. things will b just fine.. i'allah.. :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

x saba nak start~

yeeeaaaaaaaaa!! finally d result came out n i'm glad to c most of our dear frens make it.. x sia2 usaha drg.. watever it is.. they deserve to pass after all d hard work.. however.. to those who r unfortunate.. its ok.. ade hikmah di sebalik setiap yg t'jadi.. kuatkan smgt.. itu yg pnting.. n since we are about to start a new semester.. mesti sume pon tgh berkobar2 ngn smgt baru.. haha.. including me!! :P well.. bese la tiap2 kali nek sem ade azam baru.. n 4 me.. my azam is not dat new.. it has been repeated since emm.. 1st year? hahaha... so d azam now is to fulfill watever azam i've made bfore2 dis.. yeaarrrgghhh!!! mari kite same2 smgt!!! yes2!! :D x saba nak stat kelas dis monday.. though usually ari isnin xde pape pon.. haha.. well.. bile pk2 balk.. i really miss my frenns fr d previous posting... skang ni da tuka grup br.. i'll start with psychi.. n most of d posting member are new ppl... n i'm excited to start a new posting.. experiencing new environment.. n bla3..

bookss... better start collecting them now.. :)

1 thing 4 sure.. nak stat bli bku awal2.. wat hapen b4 this was.. i didnt buy any books wenever i start a new posting.. slalu pjm je kat org.. but then i realised.. x bes sgt pjm buku org.. sbb xle nk conteng.. n then.. i find it desperate esp during study week sbb mase 2 la baru nak bukak bku n nak study.. so wat happen is.. 2 3 ari b4 exam baru la g tempah buku kat kak ros.. haha.. pandai2.. d thing is... xnak bli bku awal2 coz nk tgk bku mane yg bgs.. pas da tau br bli.. tp it so happened dat ble da lmbt bli bku mmg da mls nak bli.. so better bli awal2.. den bli 2 3 days b4 exam.. haha.. lagi pon berkat lagi bile kite blaja pakai buku sendri.. b4 dis i'm quite berkire psl nk spend money on books.. sdgkan bnde len 2 sng je kua duit.. ish3.. so! yg ni i want to change! bli bku awal2 n study rajen2! ngeh2 :P
i'm gonna miss d good old days for d past 1 year.. may d upcoming year will be another year filled with many memorable thoughts n dreams :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

wic one looks better?

elo.. i'm looking for a new spec.. but i'm confused of wic 1 2 choose.. pls give some comments :)

1st spec

spek ni half frame.. just a simple 1.. black in color but kaler blakang frame is a different kaler.. ade 3 choice.. orange green n pink.. i tried yg orange.. u cant see fr d front but can be seen fr sideview or upper view... it gives me a sophisticated look (bak kate kakak jual spek 2)

2nd spec

spek ni full frame.. kaler brownish yellowish.. it makes me look sweet (bak kate kakak 2 jgak) haha.. i like d spec actually tp there's somthing wrong about d shape.. skit la.. but my current spec is already a half framed so ingat kan nak bli yg full..

so kesimpulannye.. stil xtau nak bli yg mane.. yg 1st choice 2 biase2 je .. yg 2nd 2 len skit compared to my usual spec.. ntah la.. ssh btul nak bli spek ni.. haha.. wic 1 do u think looks better on me? 1st one or 2nd one? :)

tengkiu 4 helping... nanti blanje makan.. ngeh2 :p

quotes to share~

"you must be the change you wish to see in the world"

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, in its place is something that you have left left behind... let it be something good."

"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a drea
m, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it."

p/s : we live only once.. n we will never know how much time we have left.. that's y we shud grab every opportunity we have to make the best of ourselves.. if we want something.. fight for it.. if we love someone.. we shud tell them how much we love them.. if we care about someone.. we shud show how much we care.. we dunt want to look back n say.. i shud have done dat.. i shud have say dat.. i shud have.. i shud have.. i shud have.. we dont want to say i shud have over n over again.. we dunt want to regret 4 not doing.. coz opportunity doesnt always come.. so.. live in the moment.. rejoice everything everyone in ur life.. thank those who bring joy to u.. thanks those who bring u 2 life.. n thank God for bringing u to life..

smilee!! d world seems a better place when u smile.. :)

sedap nye makaaannn~

hiiiiii!!! haha... nak tulis ape ek 4 2day... hmm.. let's see... arini blk klj around 4pm.. niat nk blk klj ni sbb nak blanje atil n lin mkn.. sempene drg abes exam.. lgpun esok ade mtg so i'm thinking of y not blk arini.. malang nye both of them have a date with their boyfriends.. so.. tinggal lah saye k'seorangan... since i've no idea wut to do.. dgn pantas tgn mencapai henset n msg roy ajak kua jgk.. haha.. so we went out to mid (tpt atil n lin pegi gak.. saje nk kaco drg if t'srempak) haha.. n we did t'srempak.. tp ngn atil je la.. tah mane tah lin pegi.. haha... n i've been craving 4 carl's junior since i can't rmember wen so we went to eat there.. :D

roy mkn bende ni je... (diet)

so.. i ordered this mushroom burger.. n roy s usual mkn salad je.. ape la roy ni.. haha.. neway.. mcm biase.. sy m'abeskan burger yg besar itu on my own.. amacm? bangge x? haha
this is wat i ate.. saje letak gbr besa.. metaphor 2 how much calories i took compared to roy's.. haha :D

anyway.. lepas mkn burger i still feel like munching something n dah t'byg2 nak makan cream puff yg sedp gileee.. so we went to d shop n bought it.. asek makan je minah srg ni.. haha.. honestly.. i really like to eat.. not like i'm always hungry but its like a habit 2 me to alwys munch.. bahye2.. haha... irma pon same jee.. kan irm kan? seb bek ade geng.. ngeh3...

n then.. we wnt to lepak at old white coffee pule.. haha.. not in d feeling to go back yet cz i'm alone u see.. x bes :(.. we went there n lepak2 4 a while.. borak2 pasal d past.. we talked about our life in KMNs.. mase 1st year.. mase 2nd yr.. mse 3rd.. n we talked about how we've changed fr d person we used 2 be.. not much of a change though.. but we learnt sumthing n dat change us from within... a gud change :) well... everybody's changing.. n as human we shud adapt to changes.. or else we mite be left bhind.. rite? haha.. k laa.. xmo cite pjg2.. nak post bende len plak.. ngeh2 :P

muke cam mengantuk je kan? hihi

Sunday, April 20, 2008

You Are My Life~

here's a true story i wanna share with all of you..

There was a boy in India who was sent by his parents to a boarding school. Before being sent away this boy was the brightest student in his class. He was at the top in every competition. He was a champion. But the boy changed after leaving home and attending the boarding school. His grades started dropping. He hated being in a group. He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he felt like committing suicide. All of this because he felt worthless and that no one loved him. His parents started worrying about the boy. But even they did not know what was wrong with him. So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and talk with him. They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking him casual questions about his classes, teachers and sports. After some time his dad said, 'Do you know son, why I am here today?" The boy answered back, "to check my grades?" "No, no" his dad replied, "I am here to tell you that you are the most important person for me. I want to see you happy. I don't care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY LIFE." These words caused the boy's eyes to fill with tears. He hugged his dad. They didn't say anything to each other for a long time. Now the boy had everything he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him deeply. He meant the world to someone. And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him sad! Thanks a lot dad. YOU ARE MY LIFE.

kdg2.. ade mase yg kite rase mcm nak give up.. rase mcm malas nak blaja.. malas nak strive.. malas nak buat semua2 lah.. kdg2 kite tepk knape la aku mesti susah2.. hidup lepak2 je xble ke? tapi.. tuhan x jadikan ape2 pon d dunia ni free.. if we want something.. we have 2 work for it.. rite? so.. i'll keep reminding myself 2 d give d best of everything coz though it mite meant nothing 2 me.. it meant something to my parents.. luv them 2 much to put them in such situation.. wish me all d best :)


PerFumes miLesTone~

this r d list of perfumes i have.. x penah abes pakai any of them pon.. but i'm always tempted to buy a new one.. get bored easily dats y always in need of a new 1..

my very 1st perfume bli mase darjah 6.. hadiah 4 straight A's 4 upsr

my 2nd one.. cant remember bile bli..but around form 2/3 kut

my 3rd one.. get it last year.. but i dun really like d scent (its a gift by d way)

my 4th.. my fav so far.. really like d unique smell

current perfume.. (pinjam gbr eh irm.. hehe) br sgt2 bli ngn irm.. last week.. d scent is somewhat different.. not to say dat i really fancy d smell.. but i really need something different so i chose dis.. (plus irma dok pujuk2 bli gak perfume ni.. haha) d gud news is.. i'm starting 2 like d smell.. it smells better with time.. lagi lame lagi sedap bau die..

n here r some dat i wanted 2 have.. probably due to d cute design.. or merely attracted to d brand.. haha..

i've tested vera wang .. daisy n maybe baby.. but i dun really like daisy.. d smell is 2 strong.. 4 both vera wang n maybe baby.. d smell is toooooooo sweet.. d other 2 x test lagi.. but i still wish 2 have them just as a collection.. haha.. xde keje la 2.. k la.. byk lagi perfume2 lain sebnye.. tp cukup2 je la yg ni.. haha.. gud luck in finding ur own scent k? :P



who's gossipping? haha... everyone loves gossip.. but i'm not one of those.. yeaa ritee!! haha.. actually i'm a big fan of gossip girl.. its a new tv show currently airing on 8tv i think.. but i've watch it mase kat tjg krg dulu.. pinjam wafy punye.. mane tah die dload.. haha.. by d way.. d show actually reminds me of the oc wic i like also.. but i like this 1 better..

i love blair waldorf particularly in this show.. though she is 'mean' in general.. but i like her attitude in a way.. n i think she's so much prettier than serena... n i prefer her to b with chuck than with nate.. nate seems to b quite boring but safe.. n chuck is quite attractive but u'll nver know how long u'll last with him..

watever it is.. i'm looking for any1 who has full copy of gossip girl series.. nak download mcm malas.. haha.. dah mintak tlg irma dload.. tp die pon malas gak.. ngeh2. so.. kalo sape2 ade sile bagi yeee.... tengkiuuuu :)



Finally!!! fuhhh~ it took quite a while for me 2 find a suitable template 4 my blog.. i almost give up 4 ur information!! LUCKY me to not give up yet :P haha.. i'll be updating soon n i hope 2 be a constant blogger after this.. haha.. selalunye hangat2 **** ayam je.. ngeh2.. WELL!!! lets start blogging! yippiee!! this will be my permanent blog.. d ones at frenster is just temporary.. i'll be using this one more often compared d other.. by d way.. something went wrong with my laptop so i lost all of my pics.. videos.. songs.. soo.. not much of pics can be uploaded.. sedih2.. xpe2.. kumpul gbr2 br.. hihi.. that's all for now.. c ya