Sunday, June 15, 2008

The voice within~

Young girl dont cry,
i'll b right here when your world starts to fall...

young girl its alright..
your tears will dry, u'll soon be free to fly..
when u're safe inside ur room you tend to dream..
of a place where nothing harder than it seems..
no one ever wants or bothers to explain of the heartache life can bring and wat it means.

when there's no one else,
look inside urself,
like your oldest friend just trust the voice within,
then u'll find the strength that will guide ur way,
and u'll learn to begin to trust the voice within...

oh young girl dunt hide...
u'll never change if u just run away..
young girl just hold tight..
soon ur gonna see ur brighter day..
now in a world wer innocence is quickly claimed..
its so hard to stand ur ground when ur so afraid..
no worries because i'm here for u to hold wen u're lost outside..
look inside to ur soul.

just trust the voice within....

smile like nobody else..
smile even thru d hard times..
u will nvr remember dat u r in 1..

who else to be there by urside if not u urself :)


mYshah said...

owh hoho syai, poem kah or apakah... ko wat sendiri ek, bgus2, nice...nanti2 komen la hasil nukilan aku ek, lastest is bonda n makanan XD
haha sempat promote lagi.

just go with the flow, young gurl! percayalah kata2 hati itu, slagi tidak bertentangan dgn pegangan agamamu...

nway syai, i cant get it, who's the young gurl? :P

Unknown said...

hai si gadis muda..kuatkan semangat..kamu tidak keseorangan..ramai yang akan membantumu..hidup perlu diteruskan..jangan pandang belakang,k...chaiyok!

Anonymous said...

gadis mude itu boleh jadi sape2 sahaje yg tgh mengalami situasi seperti yg d describe itu.. it can be me o any other girls out side there... encik shah.. itu adalah lirik lagu sebenanye... christina aguilera yg nyanyi itu... haha.. aku still x pandai nk wat2 poem ni..

mekaseh cik md.. walaupon slalu kutuk2 aku concern jgk ko kat aku kan? ngeh2...

Anonymous said...

shah tidak tahu lagu inikah???.... + x caye ak syai nak wat nukilan2 sebegini...jgn marah yer syai...BTW, doakan long case ak... hati ak still x sedap...guess bekas2 kestressan itu still ader...hurm,...

Anonymous said...

irm.. jgn la anda susah hati.. jika anda susah ati sy ssh ati juge... hihi... ko xyah rsau sgt.. yg penting wat d best.. wokeh? muah2! :x

Anonymous said...

silap... i mean short case rabu nih....nwway, thnx yer syai...

Anonymous said...

life is difficult
and so complex
b strong
have patience
we'll see how everything turn out later
hopefully it'll be as good as we like it to be~

Anonymous said...

tengkiu wani.. sob2~