i've been tagged by kimut... n dgn rele hati nye.. here it goes.. :)
The rules :
1. Each blogger must post there rules 1st
2. each blogger must start with d above topic 1st
3. bloggers dat are tagged need to write on their on blog. At the end of ur blog u need to choose 8 ppl to get tagged
4. dunt 4get to tell them they've been tagged n leave some comments :)
haha... so.. inilah die my habits wic u may o may not know...
1. i like to sing a LOT
ppl who knew me will know dat i loooooooooooooveeeeeeeeee to sing.. everywhere i get to sing anywhere i feel like singing i will sing.. n ade yg da busan pon dgr i sing.. n i'm pretty sure they are sick already hearing me singing.. esp yun.. haha... tp kalo dgn rakan2 yg kurang rapat sgan ckit nak nyanyi.. malu2 gitu... hahaha :p
2. i like to eat.. munching2 around
i have this habit since i was born i think.. suke makan 2 mmg ramai kut yg da tau.. but another habit is... kalo tgk bace buku ke.. online ke.. tgk tv ke... mesti rase nk ngunyah jugak.. x kesah la kunyah ape pon.. asalkan mengunyah... sbb 2 food supply kene sentiase ade.. but since we are medial student who must b conscious about their health.. i tend to buy healthier snacks these days.. hehe...
3. penah kua tv dulu
aaa... maybe ramai kut yg xtau lagi.. tp dulu penak masuk golden kids news.. yg dak2 kecik bace berite 2.. haha... kirenye sempat merase gak la masuk tv.. ade gak la penah belakon gak cite time ari raye.. tgh nak cari balk video time bc berite dulu.. nk kumpul balk kenangn time jadi artis dulu.. haha
4. penah g jepon tinggal ngn family angkat
haaaaaaaaa.... memandangkan dak2 amsa nak g jepon.. disni sy juge ingn memberitahu yg sy juge penah g jepon.. hehe.. mase 2 pas abes form 1.. g jepon with anther 19 student.. ade student xchange programme.. those days are 1 of d most memorable days in my life.. kalo bleh pegi balik time tu.. i wud.. mmg best ah g jepun.. have fun eh dak2 amsa.. rase sedih plak x dpt join krg :(
5. penah sesat sorang2 kat melbourne city
mase 2 ade summer school kat melbourne U.. n dat time i stay at my friend's hse.. srg2 je g melbourne time 2.. lepas abes spm pegi... n then ade la 1 ari tu nak g victoria market.. tah mcm mane tah tepakse la pegi market 2 srg2.. mule2 mmg konfiden gle ah tau jalan.. bile dah pegi/.. pergh.. sesat la pulee... dgn tgh jln kaki srg2 2.. cari gak la jaln balik umah... mmg adventure ah mase 2.. jalan2 cari jalan balik.. haha.. nseb bek jumpe.. amacm? kagum x? naseb bek time 2 x cuak sgt.. hahaha
6. i'm missing my late grandma
hmm... i really miss my late grandma.. mase kecik2 dulu die yg jage.. she really wanted to see me become a doctor.. but she pass away when i was in matric.. she was sick dat time with cancer... though i know she was sick.. but i didnt really spend much time when she was still alive.. rase mcm sayu sgt to see her lying on the bed.. thinner than she was bfore.. it is something dat i cudnt handle n cudnt face.. i'm in denial state mase 2.. mebe bcoz i'm afraid dat i'll lose her.. but she went away jgk akhirnye. n time 2 i regret so much coz i didnt manage to tell her how much i love.. i'm still missing her even at this moment.. moge Allah mencucuri rahmat opah..
7. i get bored easily
haa... bende ni mmg sgt2 betul... i get bored easily with everything.. baju ke.. perfume ke.. kasut ke.. ape2 la.. tp yg mane i really2 like.. i tend to always keep them o use them very often... sampai la bende 2 mmg da xble berfungsi lagi.. hahaha
8. i like to bake..
yes.. i do like to bake.. especially baking cakes... tapi kat umah 2 jarang ade org nk mkn so x jadi rajin nak bake.. so slalunye active baking2 ni time nak dekat raye.. hehe.. 2 yg sonok 2.. penah teingin nk amik kelas buat kek yg lawa2 2.. ala2 kek secret recipe.. aaaa... tp belom penah pegi lagi la.. kalo ade rezeki i'allah pegi.. ngeh2
2 je la eh.. xnak cite pjg2 nnt x best.. haha.. k.. i want to tag sape2 yg x jwb soklan ni lagi.. spae2 yg terase2 jwb la ye.. ape slh kongsi info.. sharing is caring ritee? haha
Thursday, June 12, 2008
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syai~ muahaha aku org 1st bagi komen ke? hu2...
1.ala syai aku jrg dgr ko nyanyi tapi mcm pnah dgr skali, sdap sore ko, awat x masuk AF? kui3...
2.ya korang, syai mmg suke mkn, n die malu ngan kenyataan itu :P
3. cesh kes nak wat org jeles, 4 ngan 5 pon same :P xmo komen
6. ......smoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat
7. erm... ya ya aku rase ramai je pomp mudah bosan... tapi adakah kepada lelaki juga? hu2... amaran kepada sum1 ke pe tuh? kui3
8. i can proudly approve this 1, aku mmg pnah mkn muffin syai (die kate die wat n seyesly i believe it) n it was so delicious, bley lwn muffin kenny rogers :) syai nak muffin lagi!
ha2 sowy la 1st visit da melalut pnjg2. harap ko x kesah
waaaaaaaaa... best nye shah memberi pujian nye.. kakaka.. malu la shah... aish *blush* haha.. iyeee.. nnt aku wat kek coklat aku kasi ko eh :P
ak org kedua la plak..hm..sje je nk bg statement y syai ni mmg kuat makan!haha..jgn mrh ek ak asyik ckp ko gmuk..ak xreti nk menipu..hehe..sape stuju ngn ak agkat tgn!!!
pergh... suke betul kate aku gemuk.. ingin dinyatekan sekali lagi yg aku ni x gemok.. so jgn t'mkn dgn kate2 org itu yaaa.. hahaha
nk rase muffin ko!!!
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