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x saba nak start~
yeeeaaaaaaaaa!! finally d result came out n i'm glad to c most of our dear frens make it.. x sia2 usaha drg.. watever it is.. they deserve to pass after all d hard work.. however.. to those who r unfortunate.. its ok.. ade hikmah di sebalik setiap yg t'jadi.. kuatkan smgt.. itu yg pnting.. n since we are about to start a new semester.. mesti sume pon tgh berkobar2 ngn smgt baru.. haha.. including me!! :P well.. bese la tiap2 kali nek sem ade azam baru.. n 4 me.. my azam is not dat new.. it has been repeated since emm.. 1st year? hahaha... so d azam now is to fulfill watever azam i've made bfore2 dis.. yeaarrrgghhh!!! mari kite same2 smgt!!! yes2!! :D x saba nak stat kelas dis monday.. though usually ari isnin xde pape pon.. haha.. well.. bile pk2 balk.. i really miss my frenns fr d previous posting... skang ni da tuka grup br.. i'll start with psychi.. n most of d posting member are new ppl... n i'm excited to start a new posting.. experiencing new environment.. n bla3..
bookss... better start collecting them now.. :)1 thing 4 sure.. nak stat bli bku awal2.. wat hapen b4 this was.. i didnt buy any books wenever i start a new posting.. slalu pjm je kat org.. but then i realised.. x bes sgt pjm buku org.. sbb xle nk conteng.. n then.. i find it desperate esp during study week sbb mase 2 la baru nak bukak bku n nak study.. so wat happen is.. 2 3 ari b4 exam baru la g tempah buku kat kak ros.. haha.. pandai2.. d thing is... xnak bli bku awal2 coz nk tgk bku mane yg bgs.. pas da tau br bli.. tp it so happened dat ble da lmbt bli bku mmg da mls nak bli.. so better bli awal2.. den bli 2 3 days b4 exam.. haha.. lagi pon berkat lagi bile kite blaja pakai buku sendri.. b4 dis i'm quite berkire psl nk spend money on books.. sdgkan bnde len 2 sng je kua duit.. ish3.. so! yg ni i want to change! bli bku awal2 n study rajen2! ngeh2 :P
i'm gonna miss d good old days for d past 1 year.. may d upcoming year will be another year filled with many memorable thoughts n dreams :)
yela syai..aku mendoakan...azam ko tu menjadi..ko mmg slalu jek mlm sblm exam br photostat nota..aku ingat lagi tyme 2nd yr score gaks
smangat smangat smangat!!!!!! berautus kali dah ko ulang bnde ni kat ak syai!!! go go go!!!! this sem mesti merealisasikan nya!!! yeah!!! ak bg smangat kat ko nih!!!
hahahaha... yeee..mmg.. korang pon mesti da nek muak dgr aku ulang bende yg same je kan.. ngeh2.. no worries.. wait till my words become an action.. hehe... muah2.. syg sama kamu semuaa :x
gud luck la ngan semangat baru.. i sentiasa menyokong.. haha
Hopefully tahun ni semangat u berjaya la.. caiyo2
gud2...sume org seems to bersemangat ni...hope akan remain till the end..aku ni yang payahnye~huu
ala...nak beli buku awal cm pokai je awal2 ni...cpat2 la jpa masuk..haha...
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