Sunday, April 20, 2008



Finally!!! fuhhh~ it took quite a while for me 2 find a suitable template 4 my blog.. i almost give up 4 ur information!! LUCKY me to not give up yet :P haha.. i'll be updating soon n i hope 2 be a constant blogger after this.. haha.. selalunye hangat2 **** ayam je.. ngeh2.. WELL!!! lets start blogging! yippiee!! this will be my permanent blog.. d ones at frenster is just temporary.. i'll be using this one more often compared d other.. by d way.. something went wrong with my laptop so i lost all of my pics.. videos.. songs.. soo.. not much of pics can be uploaded.. sedih2.. xpe2.. kumpul gbr2 br.. hihi.. that's all for now.. c ya


MiLuViA said...

mari2 memeriahkan lagu dunia blog ini. ngehehe.

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah yeah~~~~