Tuesday, April 29, 2008

satu hari di ikea~

last saturday i went to ikea with my parents.. saje nak usha2 brg2 kat sane.. n btw i really3 like going to ikea.. best sgt tgk die pnye showroom.. ngeh2... so wat happen is.. kitrg jln2 dlu.. tgk2 ape yg ade.. n seperti biase rmi le org yg dtg kat sne.. 2 la.. weekend kan... so t'jumpe la showroom yg tjk 1 blk ni.. mmg lawa... n actually byk je lagi len2 yg lawa.. tp dpt tgkp 1 jek sbb rmi sgt org.. pehh.. haha... here it goes

cantek kann??? i like d color of the wall n d bed.. a very nice light blue.. n then i like d idea of the closet actually surrounds d bed.. so bleh dikatekan jimat space la jgk.. tp yg ssh nye part nak amk brg kat almari yg ats 2 la.. haha.. pas2 ade rak kat tepi dinding yg i think is very nice also... how i wish 1 day i come home n find my room is already like dat.. haha..

by d way.. pas round2 sume tpt.. i took my parents mkn kat ikea nye kafe.. i told them dat d fud is really2 nice.. n seriusly mmg sdp pon.. g la try.. n this is wat we ate :)

haaa.. ni kek ape tah.. swedish punye la.. rase mcm ala2 kek batik yg crunchy... x dpt nak abeskan sbb manis sgt... haha... actually mmg dah tau x abes.. but it looks so tempting dat i have to take it.. hehe

haa... dis is wat i ate.. ayam ape tah name nye.. ok2 je la.. i took it becoz it looks delicous n healthy.. haha

n this is d must try meal.. swedish meatballs.. sgt2 la sedap.. nyum2.. my dad ate dis.. tinggal suku je meatball 2.. lupe nk tngkp mase ade byk lagi.. hehe

yg ni biase la fish n chip.. my mom ate it

n mcm biase amik mufin gak.. xde la sdp sgt.. sdp lagi wat sendrii.. haha

n dis is my mom.. same x kitrg? :P n ni my dad.. mule2 die pose bodoh2 je..but after i told him i'm uploading his pic in my blog.. trus die pose macho2.. haha.. abah2..

n kesimpulannye.. pas mkn.. kitrg pon borong la brg2.. punye la byk.. n punye la penat.. fuh.. tp bes sgt g ikea ni.. ske tgk a well furnished house.. hopefully 1 day i have a house on my own n am very excited to start decorating it.. ngeh2!


Mat Iyas said...

haha...i know THAT room...my mum suke that room!cam perfect! huhu~

alialalala said...

meetball itu mmg a must try...
kek itu perlu dikongsi...tetibe aku rasa lapar..

Anonymous said...


sparkling said...

muka anda sama ngn mak anda;)

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