Wednesday, May 28, 2008

meh buang masee~ :p

bende ni da lame lepas but still nak share.. haha... so cube teke dari manekah sumber gbr2 ini? hmmm....

senang je kan? lagi2 dak2 amsa.. coz drg yg wat bnde2 nih? ngeh2.. but d bigger question iss.. sape yg bg bende kat atas nii? aaaa... ngeh2.. sile2 teke teki.. huhu.. ade lagi2!! teke lagi yg bwh2 ni sape bg.. ehem2.. :P

yeee... itulah die cupcakes yg sy dapat.. actually mase order form 2 d edarkan rs cm nk wat requestkt dr sndrk je.. ye la.. terase mcm sape la nk bg kite kan.. ngeh2... but to my suprise.. dtg2 je audi aritu dah ade cupcakes2 itu d atas meje.. ngeh2.. epi2!! tp rase besalah coz bg kat sape2 pon xcept lecturer.. ngeh2 :P

haaa... ini pule adalah cupcake yg dicuri dr irma tanpe disedari oleh tuan punye badan... ngeh2... sian die.. penat die dok cari bwh meje la ape la.. she thought she dropped the cupcake sumwer.. ngeh2.. sowiee irmaa... jgn maraaa aaaa... :P

haaa.. yg ni plak.. gbr kat mane ni? sape yg slalu pegi tau la kut kat mane gbr ni di ambil... dorang ni br balk fr beli enset baruuuu.... uiyooooo... so both of them tgh showing off their handphones.. ish3.. terase dah ketinggalan zaman lak tgk org bli enset baru.. keh2... ehem2... u can ask for d drink i took kat ats ni.. ape ek name die.. hmm.. stat from X la.. die mcm teh ais yg cair but nice.. try la.. sedaaappp :D

hmmm... gbr ni ditangkap bcoz ade hidden meaning di sebalik nye.. agak2 nye ape ek? haha.. poyo jekk.. u can interpret it according to ur judgement.. happy interpreting.. :D

Sunday, May 25, 2008

english camp part 1

hiiiiiii!!!!!! hahaha... lame nye x update.. bz sgt dis week smpai x smpat online.. dasyat x? poyo jek... tp mmg btul.. mggu ni mcm bz wat bende2 len.. smpai terlupe nak daftar kursus.. x pasal2 kne byr rm15.. sob2.. by the way.. i want to share with all of u my experience for d past weekend in PD..

al kisahnye.. we the jaksa committee were supposed to attend an english camp fr friday till sunday.. kitorg pegi 9 org n sepatutnye betolak kul 4 petang jumaat 2.. tunggu punye la tunggu x dtg2 pon bas.. x pasal2 kiterg miss d common lecture for nothing je.. ngeh2.. actually mmg ade pasang niat pon mls nak dtg lecture.. ngeh2... btw.. bas 2 sampai dlm kul 6 lebe.. they came fr KTSN so kitrg share bas ngan jaksa KTSN.. kalo nk ikutkan hati.. rase cm berat n malas je nak pegi camp 2.. yela... ade ke patut kene pegi 'english camp'? haha.. i mean terase mcm not worth d time 2 go.. tp dah jd tanggungjawab utk pegi so dgn tabah hati nye.. pegi jugak..

well... dgn pkiran yg dah mmg negative 2.. ktrg pon smpi la glory beach resort.. kitrg smpai lmbt.. n time 2 program da stat pon.. sampai2 je.. trus kne brainstorm wat group cheer.. song.. motto n mcm2 lagi ah.. kitrg pon main tibai je.. n since they know we are fr KTDi.. dok panggil ktrg ni doktor2 je.. haha.. n then we have to present wat we did in front.. rase cm busuk2 je coz cheer kitrg pon sempoi gle.. song pon men cekup je lagu org.. maklum lah.. KTDI ni xde pre existing song n cheer.. da la ktrg smpai lbt so mmg klm kabut la dibuat nye.. pape pon ktrg bejaye present dgn jaye nye.. heee

part yg besnye d next day.. we have to make a sketch... b4 dat a faci came up to us n he told dat he realized some similaririties between ktdi grup members dat is seriuousness... hmm.. die kate ktrg ni mcm serius sgt.. so we took up d challenge to be easy going n not dat serious during d camp.. so bakat itu tertonjol la semase sketch.. ngeh2.. if only i cud tell u how gud our sketch is.. mmg lawak yg t'amat2... n d crowd looooooovvvvveeeee it! haha.. n guess wat! we get d 1st place for d sketch!!! bangge x? hahaha... die punye tahap best 2 smpai org stil gelak gle2 even wen we present it for d 2nd time dpan Vice canselor.. n guess wat they were so impressed with us dat they asked us to present again in any other special occasion.. betul2 rase bangge n hepi time 2...

n then d next day.. ade session called tongue twister n kebetulan dlm byk2 tongue twister 2 adela psl doktor.. so we d so called doctors grup ni kene la bace.. n dgn x penuh malu nye.. i went in front to recite it.. n tbe2 je dpt tau rupe2 nye it is a competition.. n guess wat.. i won!!! hahaha.. i'm d best tongue twister.. wakakaka.. bangge2.. :P

haha.. seronooook nyee.. dah lame x rase seronok mcm ni sebenanye.. n memandang kan ade byk lagi nak tulis.. esok aku tulis lagi sambungan n dgn penuh detail lagi.. hehe... esok smbung e.. stay tuuuneee... :P

Thursday, May 15, 2008


huwaaa.... lame nye x update blog... actually sudah ade perasaan malas untuk b'online itu.. bukan nye sebab xde mase.. keh2.. xpe la.. selalu2 sgt online pon x bes baaa.... so... nak tulis ape la plak.. hm.. let me just share a few things dat i am currently doing o like k?

skrang ni tgh bace buku p/s i love you by cecelia ahern.. da beli lame da time cuti ari 2 tp x abes2 lagi bace.. d theme of d story is of course love story tp it is a different 1.. bcz it is about how u deal with ur life without d person u love by urside.. so far br bace separuh :)

next adalah sgt2 suke bace buku ini.. mmg 5 star la.. kpd sesiape yg belom bace.. n penah terlintas nak bace.. sile lah bace.. i guarantee u'll b blown by d content... n pls dunt compare it with d movie.. jauh sgt bezenye.. d book is far3 more interesting :)

this next book is quite fun.. yg ni adalah untuk easy reading je la... so kalo boring2 bleh la grab dis book n read.. hmm.. i tried to read d shopaholic series.. sbb npk mcm menarik la jgk kan.. tp mlg nye.. i didnt find it amusing.. so far i think dis is d only best 1 by this author

lepas 2 nak gtau some of my fav movies plak... bende yg paling2 minat yg mmg xble miss n mmg agak fanatik bile tgh musim die je la.. is.. jeng3.. harry potter n lord of the rings.. haaa... 2 ni mmg all time favourite la... si harry potter ni mmg bace la buku die.. tp LOTR ni tidak la pule.. again i've tried to read d book but d english was too high n i end up malas nk bc.. hahaha... pantang cite 2 kua je kt cinema mg sanggup beratur la nak bli tiket bcoz crite2 mcm ni nikmat tgk kat wayang :P

n then.. i really do like movies yg inspiring n based on true story..bile tgk crite2 mcm ni rase tersentuh n inspired to do mcm2 to achieve wat we want in life.. sbb 2 suke tgk crite2 mcm ni.. lagipon kite akan rs sgt t'haru o kagum dgn d extent of human mind or doing to achieve watever they want in life.. cthnye cite d pursuit of happiness.. i'm really touched by d story.. :'|.. sob2

hmm.. pas2 suke gak tgk crite2 yg mcm epik2 ni.. aaa... mmg best la.. actually rase sgt kagum dgn org yg idup zaman dulu2.. skill of survival drg sgt ebat la... so antare cth2 yg best ni mcm troy.. d gladiator.. kingdom og heaven dan yg seangkatan dgn nye.. :)

itu lah sahaje buat mase ini.. n yg paling best sekali bile tgh tgk movie n bc buku mnum air nescafe yg panas2 itu.. hehe.. ari2 ade bli nescafe vanilla flavoured.. so sape yg suke vanilla 2 bley la try.. ade jual kat giant :)


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Love : Verb or Noun?

have u ever wonder wether love is a verb or a noun? if u have never came across to think about it.. love is actually a verb.. or in bm "kata kerja"... so.. when we call it a verb.. it means it shows an action rite? so.. wat is love? d schematic meaning of it according to dictionary is
1) to be strongly attracted to someone in an emotional and sexual way

2) to care very much about someone especially members of ur family or close friends
3) to like or enjoy something very much e.g
i love chocolate

dat is y when we love someone we tend to do things for them.. for example a mother's love to her child.. she wud take care of her children, nurture them, cook for them, buy things for them.. n sume2 bende di atas is a verb rite? :)

let me give u another example.. if u r in a relationship.. u wud give a special attention to that special someone compared to d others rite? u wud somethimes buy them presents, take care of them when they're sick.. accompany them wenever their down.. u'll try to lift them up especially when they're down.. u wud do anything to again make that someone happy... same goes to friends around u... so.. sume contoh2 yg diberi ni.. is a VERB kan?

my point here is.. sometimes.. we tend to forget to show how much we love them.. though we always say we love them each n evryday or we keep saying in our heart dat we love them.. but we also need to take sometime to SHOW them how much we love them...

Mother's day is coming.. of course we all love our moms... so y dunt we make an effort to show how much we love them.. buy them a gift.. make a suprise dinner.. or spend some time with her.. do anything.. just do anything.. coz when we love someone we shud show how much we love them.. believe me.. when u make d person u love happy.. u will be even happier...

Happy Mother's Day..

Thursday, May 8, 2008

thank u~

setelah meluahkan isi hati dan rase.. sy berase sgt3 gembire dan tenang.. to that person.. thank u so much 4 lending me ur ears.. n thank u so much 4 letting me taking ur time though it was not planned to be so.. n thank u so much for just being there...

p/s : never felt this peaceful before :)

it SUCKS!!

plsss do not mind my language here.. it mite be quite harsh but this is how i feel n i'm not trying to pretend on how i feel.. this is very personal 2 me n i dun usually admit it n i rarely felt how i feel rite now... so plss.. i just need some space to express how i feel n dunt take this s some kind of seeking n attention...

have u ever feel that everything around u sucks? everything!! yes! everything!! u see.. i'm kinda having this pre-depression feelings.. so before i really end up depressed.. i better do something.. there will be days in ur life dat u feel down.. n i'm having those now.. everything just seems to be wrong.. it cudjjust b something in my mind but it cud also really be happening rite?

have u ever feel disconnected with ur frens? ur roomates? u used to have fun so much before but rite now u're missing all the fun? have u? again i said.. it cud be just something dat is playing in my mind.. they mite not feel d same but they cud feel d same about u.. rite? its not a pleasant feeling.. really.. it just sucks to see them having fun without u n to see how unfun they are when they r with u... i dunt know.. is there something going on heree???? i have been pretending to not feel d way i feel but this is how i end up myself.. feeling even more paranoid about myself..

u know how upset u r when ppl do not appreciate ur intention to do something good.. like when u're trying to make some time n put things back 2gether s usual.. maybe sometimes we do not realized we hurt others feelings but its ok.. we do dat sometime to ppl rite? n ppl do dat to us 2.. but wat if it keep on happening again n again n again? u'll end up like me.. yes u do.. so plss.. take precautions before hand..

ishh.. x ske laa.. betul2 x ske.. i think i mite exaggerating things here.. bnde ni mungkin x wujud pon.. so abaikan je la d content of d story.. just nak luahkan je.. i'm in an irritable mood rite now so sbb 2 kut sume bende nmpk x kene...

i'm not sure if i am an unfriendly person but dats wat i've been told.. not unfriendly la.. but distant.. not a very approacble ones.. i admit.. i do take time to get used to ppl.. hmm.. ape kene mengene bende ni ngn kat atas? ntah.. not related. just a statement to be made by me.. bcoz i've been hearing it a lot.. n i cant tell if it is upsetting me.. i dunt think it upsets me.. but it somehow affect how ppl judge me n dat upsets me a bit.. kalo dok pk sgt la.. kalo x.. x de pape pon.. tp ape yg kite nampak 2 slalu nye ape yg kite dapatla jugak lah kan... so maybe how i carry myself tu yg m'buatkan org pk mcm 2 kan.. so .. no worries.. or maybe i myself shud somehow be more open? haha.. wat d crap.. at this point of life.. i just want to escape from all this sucky things n forget wat have ever happen n start everything new fr d scratch... so bye2! i'm going to jusco rite after this n just spend on anything i like.. bye!

Monday, May 5, 2008

org yg kite suke ke org yg syg kite?~

actually arini tido awal sgt.. agaknye sbb penat kut sbb dr pagi ade kelas.. n then tgh ari pon ade kelas.. abes kelas plak trus g joging.. haha... actually i'm not used to make myself occupied dats y i'm tired n i'm actually getting use to it.. :) well.. actually lepas maghrib mkn megi ruski sbb mmg da lameeeee sgt teingin nak makan.. pas mkn 2 tetido la puleee... tau2 je t'bgn kul 1130 sbb menod msg nak bg buku... time 2 pon mamai2 lagi.. al kisahnye.. lpas tejage 2 ingt nak study la ckit.. so minum la nescafe.. n then ble da pkul 1 lebeh 2.. plan nak tdo.. baring punye baring.. x le tido la pule.. tp xnak cont study.. so baring je la atas katil 2... sampai la skang.. pukul 430 da pon.. so tibe2 teingat nak tulis blog.. so here i am... hehe.. pjg betul mukadimah nye..

well a fren of mine.. yg diberi name roy.. 4ward dis msg 2 me.. maybe he 4wd dis msg to some of u guys also.. but anyway.. msg itu b'bunyik

jgn tinggalkan org yg kite syg utk org yg kite suke,
kerana org yg kite suke akan tinggalkan kite utk org yg mereka syg,
jgn cube dapatkan ape yg kite syg,
tp syglah dgn ape yg kite ade sblm kite kehilangan org yg kite syg,
krn org yg sygkan kite mungkin org yg sebenarnye kite syg,
lebih baik utk kite bersame dgn org yg syg kan kite drpd org yg kite syg,
krn org yg kite suke mngkin hanye sukekan kite tanpa rase syg...

hmm.. amacm? i believe every1 has their own opinion on this but i wud like 2 share wat i think about d statement...

statement kt ats ni general sbnye.. but i wud like to discuss in terms of boy girl relationship.. hmmm.. let me explain wat i feel thru a situation.. hopefully it will b easily understood.. lets say ade 4 watak dlm situasi ni.. 2 guys A n B n 2 girls C n D.. katekanlah A n B ni kawan bek dgn C.. they started of s frens but as time goes on they somehow develop feelings towards each other.. A had such strong feelings towards C.. n nak di pendekkan crite.. si A ni sgt2 sygkan si C.. paham2 je la ehh.. tp si C ni plak suke kat B... tp si B ni plak suke kat D.. haaa... cmne 2.. so D ni suke sape plak? D ni x suke sape2 pon kat ats.. die neutral jek.. wic make things more complicated u c.. kenape complicated? sbb there's no definite answer for each of the person involved.. masing2 xtau d real answer regarding how the other persons feels bout themselves.. so.. bebalik kpd crite di atas.. yg A ni tau yg C ni suke kat B tp die still setie kat si C.. ye la da syg sgt la katekan.. yg si C ni plak.. syg gak kat si A tp just as frens.. kalo nak ikut suke die kat si B ni.. n yg si B ni plak jenis yg mcm suke gak kat si C tp wenever si D 2 came into d picture si C ni mcm gone in d wind la plak.. mksdnye B suke gak kat C tp die lagi suke kat D... n B ni has been acting like this because he is uncertain about how D feels about him.. die rase insecure la sbb 2 die still hold on dgn C.. so.. in this situation how does statement di atas 2 bleh kite apply?

selalu kan dgr statement "lg bek kite bersame yg org yg syg kite dr org yg kite syg"? mmg betul gak statement tu.. but it depends.. kitepon xble la nak simply live with d person who loves us but we dont love them back.. mungkin kite akan ade rase besalah sbb org 2 syg sgt kat kite n mebe kite ni plak dlm situasi yg x mnyebelahi perasaan kite.. so we tend to choose for a safer option wic is to go to the person who will take a good care of us.. x salah pon kite buat keputusan mcm 2.. standard la 2.. kite akan tend to be in a situation yg safe.. who likes n uncertain n unpredictable things rite? n then dgn positive thinking nye kite yakin dat d feelings can b developd with time.. it is just a matter of time.. mmg x salah but it is not definitely true.. this thing is not applicable to every1.. we've seen so many broken marriages n some of the reason they gave is they have never loved their spouse despite the effort 2.. sbb 2 org kate perasaan ni x bleh dipakse2.. tp.. ade je marriage yg survive n they even live happier than those who married each other mase suke same suke.. btul x?

so sebena nye lah.. my opinion is.. there is no definite answer.. right or wrong answer esp matters associated with feelings.. it is very subjective n yg penting we trust our intuition plus some rational thinking plus seek help from God n yg penting bile kite da buat keputusan 2 kite try la make d best out of it.. kalo kite dah cube sehabes bek dgn keputusan yg kite buat 2 but things didnt turn d way we desire.. trime lah dgn hati yg t'buke.. maybe mmg bukan jodoh kite.. n everything happens for a reason.. we mite not c y certain things happen to us.. but He knows wat is d best for us for He is our creator n again He knows BEST about everything dat happen..

sebenye kan nak elaborate pjg lagi tp cm mls.. haha.. cerite kat atas 2 pon mcm x ulas sgt pon.. n by d way.. crite kat ats 2 rekaan semate2.. kalo ade t'same ngn mane2 idup korang 2.. ia adalah kebetulan semate2... ngeh2... gud luck! :)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

fenomena yg melanda dak medic~

hmm.. lately i realized a phenomenon yg melande dak2 medic 4th year ni... not something new though.. bende ni da lame menjadi sebutan banyak dak medic.. esp time nak nek sem baru o taun baruu... tapi rase mcm plik plak wen it is really happening n scary quite a bit.. tapi bagus la bnde 2 sebenye.. it is something gud n must b encouraged.. ngeh2.. so.. apekah itu 'bende ini' yg sering diperkatekan di atas? haha.. skema plak ayat.. rasenye korang pon da ble agak gak kan? provided u guys pay an xtra attention to ppll surrounding lah.. hihi.. bende tersebut adalah.... jeng3.. smgt blaja!!.. hihi.. perasan x? semua org adalah sgt2 smgt blaja.. n it is very massive.. kalo nak tgk study grup.. punye la byk org wat study grup .. in fact they've started it oledy 1st week of studying.. i've seen every1 is soooo concern about their studies even at d very beginning.. i mean standard la 2 mmg ade org yg constant blaja... n dah mmg jd nature drg stat blaja awal2... tp yg barunye ialah bende 2 da infect so many ppl around us.. bagus2.. suke gak tgk bende2 ni.. but i also think that ppl are getting stressed up lagi2 pasal blaja ni.. btul x? i mean.. byk nak kene cover in such short time plus extra2 assignment mcm ssm.. forensic nye bende.. ppd nye project n also kalo ade join mane2 organization.. i think dis happen coz ppl start realizing dat wat they carried for d previous years may not b effective n we all r getting more matured.. kite dah tau ape yg kite nak achieve dlm hidup kite n we've started planning on how to go about.. btul x? we can see many of our friends around have changed n they r doing well so far.. so i do wish dat dis will be carried out throughout d year :) rase mcm kite semua ni da besaaa da.. haha.. ye lakan.. x lame pon lagi 2 taun nak abes blaja ni.. tau2 je nnt da nek 5th yr.. pas2 dah nak professional exam.. pas2 da grad.. pas2 jadi houseman.. pas2 masing2 da kawin.. ade family.. jadi specialist... bla3.. pergh.. kalo dok pk lame2.. mmg rase scary jek.. haha.. well.. in simple words.. every1 has started to build their own specific life n we are going to attend to different things in our life later.. n fr wat i discovered.. many have managed to find it after we have gone thru so many different experiences in our life.. lets wish all d best to every1 out there.. eventho kite hidup lain2.. tapi matlamat tak jauh beze pun kan? so all d best every1.. :) goodluck p/s : x saba nak tgk outcome of kawan2 kite ni in 2 3 4 5 years to come.. ngeh3
n xtau la wether ape yg aku perasan ni mmg da lame pon mcm 2.. bu
t at least i realized it already rite?? eventho lbt cket.. ngeh2

u're not going to know wats waiting 4 u at d end of d road.. unless u urself go there.. do not waste such time guessing.. just go.. u mite b suprised to c wats waiting there 4 u to discover :)