heylooooooo!!! hehehe... besnye mlm ni.. smbil bring2 ats katil tulis blog pasal trip kat bandung... ngeh2.. by d way.. btolak ari rabu arituh n balik 2day ari jumaat.. smpai umah dlm 730mlm.. nak tulis sume mcm pjg sgt ah so i'm going 2 highlight few things je la eh...
so our journey started at lcct.. there were 5 of us (ina, zuz, ilya, syahda n me) plus ina's parents n a family of ina's moms frens.. keh2.. we all gather there n nek flight wic was delayed half n hour by d way.. so kitrg nek flight air asia n it was my 1st time on air asia.. usually nek MAS.. so wat i can tell is tpt ddk die sempit ckit la n then die free seating.. but overall ok la for the price :)
so our journey started at lcct.. there were 5 of us (ina, zuz, ilya, syahda n me) plus ina's parents n a family of ina's moms frens.. keh2.. we all gather there n nek flight wic was delayed half n hour by d way.. so kitrg nek flight air asia n it was my 1st time on air asia.. usually nek MAS.. so wat i can tell is tpt ddk die sempit ckit la n then die free seating.. but overall ok la for the price :)
d journey took around 2hrs n 15 mins.. i slept d whole way to bandung.. ngantuk ah.. nak dekat2 smpai br bgn.. keh2.. n then bile da sampai kami pon dgn x saba2 2run dr plane n stat tgkp gbr.. kui2
n then g check in dulu.. kat hotel patradisa.. actually hotel die bukan typical hotel la.. die mcm umah banglo tepi2 jln 2 je.. mule2 mase smpai rase mcm.. xkanla kite duk kat cni.. tp bile masuk dlm.. pergh.. mmg cntek ahh.. very cosy.. mcm kat umah.. bgus gak konsep die.. they just cater around 10 rooms but the rooms are so so nice.. stret pas cek in g soping kat factory outlet.. ngeh2.. mmg murah ahh.. baju2 die mmg murah ah.. sume pon standed rm15 - 20.. ke cheaper ek? ngeh2.. pape pon factory outlet die mmg sebesa2 alam.. banyak plak 2.. x cukup 4 jam kat citu.. n then kitrg pon blk mkn2..
n then g check in dulu.. kat hotel patradisa.. actually hotel die bukan typical hotel la.. die mcm umah banglo tepi2 jln 2 je.. mule2 mase smpai rase mcm.. xkanla kite duk kat cni.. tp bile masuk dlm.. pergh.. mmg cntek ahh.. very cosy.. mcm kat umah.. bgus gak konsep die.. they just cater around 10 rooms but the rooms are so so nice.. stret pas cek in g soping kat factory outlet.. ngeh2.. mmg murah ahh.. baju2 die mmg murah ah.. sume pon standed rm15 - 20.. ke cheaper ek? ngeh2.. pape pon factory outlet die mmg sebesa2 alam.. banyak plak 2.. x cukup 4 jam kat citu.. n then kitrg pon blk mkn2..
esok arinye ktrg pegi tpt gunung berapi.. tangkuban parahu namanya... ktrg g situ kejap jek sbb x saba nak g soping kat pasar baru.. hehehe... kt tpt 2 mmg brg murh2.. 2 yg best 2.. dah smpai kat psr bru 2 mmg mcm explorerace ah.. pegi sane pegi sini.. xtau nak bli ape sbb byk sgt kedai.. fuhh.. penat betul 1 ari soping..

ari esoknye ktrg singgah kedai amanda brownies sbb drg kate brownies kukus die sdp.. so kitrg bli la ckit2 utk di bw blk.. flight blk ari2 delay almost 3 jam.. mmg tensen ah.. kalo tau delay awal2 lg mesti sempat g pasr br soping lagi.. ngeh2...
by d way.. pakej 3 ari 2 mlm kat bandung ni is around 500++ inclusive of tiket n accomodation as well as tour guide ktrg yg anta ktrg ke sane sini.. n i finish rm700 on shopping plus food n plus airport tax.. hihi.. one day i'll come back n have proper planning n wat to shop n where.. bcoz it was my 1st time there .. d shopping was not so effective... xpe2.. next time pegi lagi.. hehe.. actually byk agi ktrg wat kat bandung tp nk highlight psl soping je.. ngeh2...
by d way.. pakej 3 ari 2 mlm kat bandung ni is around 500++ inclusive of tiket n accomodation as well as tour guide ktrg yg anta ktrg ke sane sini.. n i finish rm700 on shopping plus food n plus airport tax.. hihi.. one day i'll come back n have proper planning n wat to shop n where.. bcoz it was my 1st time there .. d shopping was not so effective... xpe2.. next time pegi lagi.. hehe.. actually byk agi ktrg wat kat bandung tp nk highlight psl soping je.. ngeh2...